
ouch...i guess we were one of the lucky ones. we had our sunday am flight from raleigh cancel at midnite on saturday. we decided to pay the extra fees and drive the rental car up to brooklyn ahead of the storm on the spur of the moment. (American refunded our return legs)

smoke'm if you got'em.

what a well-shot image!

@fastactingrelief: yep, i concur. a speedlight at very low power can achieve stupidly fast durations:

@example69: from the earlier article, it looks like he is holding the shutter open (with a 2 sec exposure) in a dark room while the flash triggers at the sound of the balloon popping. a fast studio strobe is in that range of flash duration.

i swear, i must be the only person that doesn't get Juergen Teller. didn't like the shots of Anna Dello Russo in W, don't like them now.

@johnnygadget: agreed on the UI - we just switched from Tivo to Cablevision's DVR when we got a new TV and we HATE it.

@Ben Zvan: ah! ok. i was taking your comment in the wrong light. makes perfect sense now. for the record, it's hard to spend more than $6k for a rig to shoot that sort of shot (without resorting to BIG glass). the more expensive canon body would just be a big expensive rock on a strap for pap shooting. it's

@ataturk returns: i know, right? back when practical sets/props were the norm, not the exception. just glorious! just doesn't have the same feel.

@Ben Zvan: well, i'm a working (but not heading to the BMW dealership anytime soon) professional photographer (not a pap, but commercial/event shooter here in NYC) and my working camera rig is $6K (canon 1Dmk4 with 24-70/2.8 lens). it's the price of admission - you buy that body to get the shots you need that you

@doogie1022: well, if you look at the rest of his vids on vimeo...he makes his living shooting Rally, desert racing and other motor sports.

@Animos: bravo, sir..bravo.

no, no,

@through the rye: huh? what's wrong with ordering food, getting dressed, eating and heading out? i'm no megan fox, but even i have done that on occasion before heading to a meeting while on a trip.

@Rattleface Blouses: i was gonna say that this is what car photography should look like, unlike the zonda piece from yesterday.