
I had never considered what advertisements for a video game from the American perspective of WW2 would even be for the opposite side of that war. I had just assumed they wouldn’t even try it because I doubt the subject matter sells all that well there. Maybe it would in Germany because they seem to openly embrace

This was the exact moment this game had my money.

Seems like CSPD ought to be less worried about the calls coming from journalists, and more worried about the calls

Maybe they should petition to require butchers to become licensed chefs before they’re allowed to cut meat.

It sounds like there are some state laws interfering with how they’re doing the charitable split. I’d ask Monolith’s lawyers about it.

He donated $30 to the Disabled Veteran’s Thrift Store. When he bought it from them. Because they got it for nothing in the first place.

So do i win XP by traveling now?

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

Can you imagine, being a US citizen and going through all the trouble of buying that given the restrictions only to pull the panties down and get an eyeful of mosaic pixels.

Is it just me, or have they confused theme park with museum?

The younger siblings of the world are pressing X to pay respects

Considering we’ve seen the Omniking obliterate an entire timeline, an angel summoning a healthy baby out of her mother isn’t that much of a shock.

I’m more surprised at people’s reaction it haha.

Good response, however, once again, fucking identity politics in the mix.

Meanwhile at the Kotaku offices...

Anyone who is complaining that a poorly shaped Pizza Hut pizza “ruined” their Valentine’s Day has an extremely different values system than I do.

Like you said, you’re not American.

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”

I’m here just to leave the usual, “meh these games sux”

Rough week. GamerCat was legit.