
While it looks good this ultimately disappointing, cause want to PLAY in VR not watch it

I was originally gonna buy a Sega Saturn, saved up money for it, had games i was interested in, then the PS came out at a cheaper price, the nail in the coffin for me though was Resident Evil, the second Isaw that I got a PlayStation

Chris you dont know WTF youre talking about buttered popcorn jelly bellys are the shit. they taste exactly like buttered popcorn. thats why they were #1 for 5 years brah!

The fastest I ever bailed on a Game was Alundra2. The first game for the PS1 was so great and Alundra2 was just horrible, the controls were janky, and the difficulty was ridiculous. I played maybe an hour or 2 and just quit

I personally would much rather use a JA Henckels not too heavy and incredibly sharp.

I personally would much rather use a JA Henckels not too heavy and incredibly sharp.

Man i never even heard of half of these shows, either that or theyre so bad( like the best aprt of Baby Blues was the intro song... XD) i just dont remember them. My faves though were Mission Hill and Oblongs, kind wish Adult Swim would still show them from time to time.

Im sure this does happen, but I find it funny that everytime i try to look for it, there’s no trace to be found

No Mans Sky

I couldn’t agree more. My exosuit has 48 general slots, 20 cargo slots, 12 technology slots. My ship has 48 storage slots and 10 technology slots. Finally my multi tool has 18 slots, start over? Are you out of your mind!?

So far i have only had 1 stranger drop into my game they looked at my base and left before i could even go over to them. i kinda feel like i’m in one of the more remote parts of the galaxy

That just made my day! I cant even describe the awesomeness of that!

Man I been Jets fan for over 40 years and there has literally only 4 or 5 good seasons. Still a fan, but I gave up on them in 2013 after that shitstain GM took apart the offensive line, instead of building up and strengthening it. Once that line fell apart Sanchez couldnt cope with taking a hit

Nice jabs a a certain coworker of yours ;)

Stop the presses! There’s actually a Penny Arcade that made me laugh?! That hasn’t happened in years...

Are there more schematics for the basic buildings because I am seeing stairs and angles roofs but all i got is the wood floor, wall, door, and roof

When you join a friends game it warps you close to where your friend is located and you start playing

**Spoiler alert do not read if you dont wanna know**

OMG! A Nerf Now comic that I actually understood!

Hahaha the one photo has what looks like canadian bacon

No Man’s Sky, I have rebuild everything again*fumes* spending another 40 - 50 hours building a base to my specifications, then I gotta upgrade my ship again, and my exosuit, and my Mining Tool... Well at least it is enjoyable