Now that is one remake i wish they would bring to the PS4
Now that is one remake i wish they would bring to the PS4
Cecelia must be foaming at the mouth to put down this show since it involves any form of sexual explotation
I disagree with that because the way that this current storyline is running (mild spoiler) each minute seems to be an episode so with 7 minutes left it seems to be a perfect fit
Communications is the key, with my ex, she wanted me to stop playing and pay attention to her. She decided to follow through on this with oral then regular sex. The problem occurred because once we were finished, i went right back to playing my game which really pissed her off. when i looked back we should have talked…
Skyrim VR, the graphics might not be so great but Skyrim VR is just mind blowing
Great read, this is why FFVII Was my all time fave
Now following, reading these made my day XD
I totally get this, i was so frustrated because Bring Em on was so fuckin difficult I trawled through it for 3/4 of the game, but I became so enraged that I went down a level to make easier, but at the last level i had to go down to “baby mode” and godammit if I still wasnt getting my ass handed to me. Idid finally…
I had got this game over the summer to tide me over until the fall releases. i was pleasantly surprised at how the game had pulled me in. The story is really good, but the gameplay got repetitive later in the game and I wound up rushing through the main quest to finish it. I would have liked to have completed more…
The clip without subtitles was way better than the one that had the subtitles
I am so tired of Sony giving us such shitty games for PS Plus. Darksiders 2, really!? I remember goin on 3 yrs ago cancelling Xbox GOLD because the Sony PS Plus offering was too good to pass up. They need to back to the days of giving a tripleA game(not an EA sports game) every once in a while.
I do dig the Ren & Stimpy style of the cartoon
Wolfenstien2, Assassin’s Creed Origins, South Park, and Steven Universe
i’m surpised that you also didnt make mention of how through the first half of the game you have half of your HP and have to heavily rely on armor. It shows just how deteriorated his body is
South Park: The Fractured but Whole
They should just go back to FFXI and give everyone a room that they could somewhat decorate as they see fit...
Angry much?
I still have my 360 version of The Orange Box, I gotta say that the most impressive thing is how good HL2 and Portal still look 10 years gone...
Did you guys watch any of the tie-in videos? I thought the one with Dave Bautista gave the most relevance to the actual story. The anime was also a good for the backstory. The one with Jared Leto really had no impact at all.
If you got a copy of Xenosaga III I’ll take it off your hands instead of you throwing it away...