
I remember for PS there was Alundra which was one of my Favorite rpgs at the time. So when Alundra2 came out i bought it without hesitation. First dungeon in the game is glitchy and the dungeon is hard to navigate and the enemies seem just a little more powerful than they should be. Got really pissed turned off the

I’ve put the game down for a bit. I got to annoyed with Trico being a dumbass not understanding a jump command when THE FREAKING PILLAR IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!! :p

Finished Dishonored2 on High Chaos, literally killed everyone except the bosses, goin back and try and do it right this time with stealth and finesse

Dont feel bad I still Got Blood &Wine waiting to be installed on my PS4

Finally completed FFXV, platinumed, pitioss, menace dungeons, legendary weps, so now i’m moving on to Dishonored 2

I’d say that Prompto photos are like a 5/70/25 ratio being that 5% are actually excellent photos, 70% are good, and 25% are just horrible. And in my game prompto is really clueless filter user. I’d out of about 40 filtered photos only a handful are good, the rest are horrendous, too bright, too dark, behind a bush,

Life In Aggro brought me a chuckle... I remember playing FFXI being a WHM and doing stupid shit like casting a Cure IV on the tank getting all the hate and wondering why I died XD

I got to thank you cause i binge watched Food Wars, Is wrong to pickup girls in a dungeon, and started flip flappers. All really good anime

This War of Mine looks good the rest is meh as usual

I dont blame you I like rare, but in some of the pics it looked raw almost like a tataki, and Id be afraid of getting sick

Wow! i really wanna get this buuuuut its gonna be another Dragon Quest game that i dont finish... Back in the day I completed I-IV, but i got and never finished VII, VII, and X. i get all the way to the end but then i wanna go back complete stuff and wind up puttin it down and not going back to it

I gotta disagree i replayed FFX HD on PS4 and quit half way through because i was sooo bored and this time to me Yuna seemed whiney, ugh it annoyed me

I personally think that the Clinton Campaign became cocky and arrogant because the shit that Trump was spewing was so ludicrous they thought how could they not win?

I think to each their own, I kinda hate the fact that you piss and moan about it, but that’s your opinion and your entitled to it. I cant complain though because if you hadn’t whined about it in the first place, Keijo!!! would have flown under my radar. I will even go so far as to say that it is over the top for fan

Well, now I got some new animes to add to my list, I dont agree with your view on this but we are entitled to our opinions so..... whatever

Yeah, FEAR was great and it was scary, but then they had the FEAR files which was a head scratcher and FEAR2 was ok, but when FEAR3 came out the premise of the game was pure rediculousness and it wasnt as scary as it was more WTF!? They totally ruined Alma

Man I cant wait for this! it was my platinum trophy game! So much fun playing that

Its probably already been said but I think it might be them going after the fireflies, because she is the cure, and they’ll do anything to get it

The dub was good up until Water7 the VA that does Franky is good, but his JP counterpart is just that much better, only because of Suuuuuuuuuuper!

I’ll give Stories a try, but seriously 2016 has been an underwhelming year for PS Plus. I get giving indie games a chance but release some AAA titles too(even old games would be good). I seriously hope 2017 will be a better PS Plus year...