
I gotta disagree with you here, if you look at games over a period of time. Back when the NES was in its heyday as you said death was something was a real concern or a problem for some gamers. I know that with some games I would get so frustrated that I would just say Fuck it and quit playing. I sense that this was a

Doug that was an excellent read. I never knew about any of this, so I have a couple of questions, The first might be simplistic but Why is it illegal to import these cars? Are they not safe? Are the engines too powerful for the US? I remember have a conversation with my friend asking if I could have any car I wanted

Man if I got hit from behind and my kid was in the car I would apeshit on the asshole that hit me too.

This is some serious shit here Skynet shit maaaan! Were doomed when they become self aware XD

Just that one part of the Animatrix made the original movie so much better. Did great to explain the background and how humans deserved the fate that befell them

" Trying to get you aroused without your consent? Let's be honest here: if I'd read about this with the genders swapped, we wouldn't be talking about the relationship going south, we'd be talking about the fact that it was sexual assault."

Awesome poop story!!

Man I am sooo jealous that has got to be the most awesome FF related items evar!

I think that the question has to be tailored to each individual only because we each have our own idea what it means. Some games like Skyrim or Fallout I don't mind dropping 200 -300 hours of game play as long as it holds my interest. A good example of game being too long was Dead Space 3. The game was not nearly as

My poop story goes back to 91'. I was heading down to the Jersey shore with 2 of my friends and their girlfriends. On way down we stop at a White Castle, once we get there I start drinking Jack Daniels and beer. About 4 hours go by and my one friend and his girlfriend go to walk on the board walk and I decide to join

At first I was kinda pissed cause it does seem like an adventure time ripoff, but when i read that it was made by people who are down it on their own I cam around cause its not a blantant ripoff more like an homeage

What a bunch of scumbags! How could you do this to your own child. Well going forward maybe they'll be lucky not to die penniless and destitute for what they did.

I tried to romance Seras first because having sex with a crazy chick can be fun, but I got that famous line also... "That's what we have in common, we both like women" -_- So I wound up romancing cassandra cause she seemed alot easier than josephine

Best. Reply. Evar.

"It wasn't until I decided to ignore the nearly endless side missions that I was able to see the credits roll, quickly realizing so much of what's scattered in Thedas often amounts to busywork."

I totally agree with you. It sounds mean but I have no pity for this dumbass. Why have a loaded gun in your purse that your 2 year old will get into? The more important question is why the fuck wasnt the safety on? It could have easily been the kid blowin his own brains out. I det you can carry a concealed weapon but

What a douche... the last thing the Kelly family needs to be riddled with is another type of cancer...

I totally agree $70M for that? I wouldn't begin to know what to do with everything that's there. It's so excessive... some of it is really cool but some of it is just over the top, but i guess if I'm that rich I have invite all my new fake friends over to freeload of what I have.

I have stopped playing Destiny cause I have other games that I am playing like ACU, GTAV, Inquisition, but mainly because it seems to a be a grindfest to get what I need. also the fact that there is no LFG for raids is killing me because I'm missing out on some choice gears and weapons

Pure awesomeness, Megatraon hit the nail on the head