Hey do they give the option to pick and choose? Cause going to the site it looks like they send you what they want instead of getting to pick and choose.
Hey do they give the option to pick and choose? Cause going to the site it looks like they send you what they want instead of getting to pick and choose.
Wow! I never seen a sphincter be able to collaborate so well, usually nothing but smelly gas and feces spew from it... oh wait a second...
Damn I have never seen so many haters, let the bronies be. if you dont like what you see leave it's that simple
Agreed! It is my favorite of all the FFs, the juction system made the game alot more fun
I have to agree with that no matter how great it is. I think they will be sorely disappointed when not alot of these units move come launch date
You are right my friend! When Clash of the Titans was remade i had no desire to see it because I knew it was no comparison between the CGI and Harryhausen's original work. This is a great loss...
They released Draw Something 2? Why? Did they not catch the mass exodus of people once the novelty wore off...
I don't think that I have gotten there yet. I love my 42' HDTV. I do mostly use it for videogames. I rarely ever watch live TV, I DVR everything I wanna see but that is only because I can't stand commercials and FF through all of them. If I wanna watch a movie I usually hook my laptop to the TV and watch it that way.…
Skyrim is such an awesome game though as far as DLC goes I think there was more to Oblivion than Skyrim. I could definitely be wrong but i felt like like there should have been one more piece of DLC. In Oblivion you had Knights of the Nine, the mehrunes razor one, and The Shivering Isles. Meh. The more I look at what…
Got Spotify just so I could listen to all the GTA radio goodness ^^;
I fully agree, I think it has been blown out of proportion. What ever happened to "If you don't like it, just walk away"? Why do we have to cater to every persons needs? I think being politically correct has gone waaay to far.
It really saddens me to see the way Disney has gutted Lucas properties.
Is it me or did the Japanese voiceover seem to have more emotion to it?
Man that is insane!. I dont think I could ever do that
I totally disagree with your point Kirk, eventhough the ultraviolence is there ya don't have to clawhook everyone in the face, you dont have to zap someone making their head explode. Sure game is violent but isnt that part of the reason you bought it? I know thats why I did
I didn't real care for him as of late so I'll fondly remember when him and Gene Siskel used have review show on Sat afternoons. It was always fun watching 'em argue over movies.
Not that it's bad but the ending was a sucker punch you didn't see coming. I got the whole infinite doors to parallel universes thing, but finding out the only way to fix everything was for me to die was unnerving. I really wish the story would have had a better take on that. When I look back can see the…
Hey I wanna be politically correct too guys!!! Oh boy seeing women being paid to be at a party makes me reeeaaallly uncomfortable!! That's gotta be some kind of explotation!! Somebody better call the PC police and get them out here, this is really disturbing...
OK I am openly admitting to being an ass cause I am so tired of this PC bullshit. It's a party. If you don't like what you see there's the door. It's not like they're in lingerie insinuating sex, they're just a couple of girls dancing on a stage in skimpy dresses. This bullshit needs to stop, what's next objecting to…
Hi! Let's make some introductions here... WiiU meet Sega Dreamcast, Sega Dreamcast meet WiiU. Now you guys go get comfortable together because you have a lot in common