
Dont know if anyone already said but Legend Of Grimlock

It sounds like you have into games as long as myself, if you could one 'old school' game remade what would it be? For me I would love to see "Legacy of the Ancients" it was a RPG for pc that EA made in the late 80s. That was the game that really turned me into an RPG fan.

I have found this to be the most friendly MMO I have ever played in terms of people willing to help you. The cynic in me wants to say this is only because you gain xp for reviving people or gain xp for working as a group.

I basically follow the same rules. I have found this to be the most friendly MMO i have ever played in terms of people willing to help you. Its funny that you mention spam because today was first time since the early launch that I have seen spammers hawking gold in Lions Arch or the Sylvari city.

I'm sorry but Reggie Fils-Amie is talking out his ass. WiiU no doubt is a going to be a great device, but it is kind of a couple of years too late. Its got two years of life cause once the next gen consoles drop it will become outdated only the hardcore Nintendo fans will still use it. Nintendo had a chance to lead a

Hey Im under that rock with ya cause I had no fucking idea who she was either.

I have a thf myself and leatherworking and weaponsmithing are the crafts I have. i have found weaponsmithing much easier because to me mining is so abundant. While coming across leather has not been easy(I think because while I was getting acclimated to the game in my first 15 lvls I sold just about everything I

That was soooo f**king awesome! Man I would love to have one of those helmets. Damn that guy has talent ^^

I think that I would get color somewhere between maroon and rust...

I wish that I could have been at the bottom of that cliff, not only so I could say 'fucking assholes' but then get xp for reviving said assholes XD

I loved the story, but the way that when you died you had to go back and do everything from certain point. Also the controls were kinda of annoying to me

I have an old lifestyler so i can t do that because handlebars simultaneously move while you pedal, so I usually watch tv while i ride it for about a 1/2 hr

I wanna say that the Wii was a disappointment, but I would be lying. I didn't give it much of a chance though, bought it for Twilight Princess; played No More Heroes, and Manhunt2 and kinda gave up on it. I bought a bunch of Virtual Console games but when the games trickled down to nothing I stopped using the Wii

My thoughts exactly

So Fahey, i know that yer watchin your intake, these days, what portion of your daily intake did that eat up? I bettin at least 1/2 to 2/3 of daily intake just with that burger...

The shirt takes away from, they should have just used a headshot

*points* Dooooooooorrrrkk! Nah just kidding man, never even knew there was a difference between the two. ;)

As with everyone else i cant say that i am surprised. I remember some of my favorite shows were icons and much later ninja warrior and code monkeys. AotS was a good show while Kev and olivia were on it. I could never really stand Xplay though because they would sit there and bash a game for how bad things were then

He's a dumbass for not removing the photos to a thumb drive or something, sorry but like my Dad used to say 'There's no pity for stupidity'

I'm surprised her was dumb enough to respond to her in an email. Even if you own the company can still be busted for harassment.