
Man I am so excited! Woohoo!

I was soo f'n mad when I got my Cylon Raider because it didnt fire the rockets because some dumbasses had choked on em. I remember my mom was soo mad cause i opened it saw it did not fire rockets and never touched again XD

I would have to say that it really depends on the DLC. An old example to start with would be Elder Scrolls Oblivion, the horse armor DLC was absolutely horrible, but on the flipside I thought both Knights of Nine and The Shivering Isles were terrific. Most of the DLC for Fallout 3 and New Vegas was worth it. I guess

Hahahahaha fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

Dear Square-Enix,

Shit like this is one of the reasons I stopped collecting comics, this and the f'n insane prices for comics

Well it was more funny that the shit they posted last week

I like my strawberries pureed in a blender with ice and vodka. Mmmmm...


"I should admit that I definitely haven't seen everything it has to offer. Although I finished the vampire side of Dawnguard's main story and saw a few of its new sidequests, I did not scour every location in the game in search of new content, and therefore it's very possible that I missed some awesome features."

I am really excited to play this!! I wasnt expecting a release this soom I was thinkin more like Oct so this is a pleasant surprise

Dont take this the wrong way but hopefully broken = lesson learned

Atari was great console at the time I still have my Atari 7800, which had replaced my 2600. Lotsa good memories Flipping over Asteroids and pinball. Seeing how wonky Pac Man but glad that I had my own version of it. being excited that I got ET for Xmas and being bored with after a week. Remembering how awesome Raiders

I just built a boring old house -_- XD

I am now satisfied with the endings. I can now say at some point I will go back and replay the series from the start again. Actually the refusal ending was kinda lame but it does fit the choice that is made...

I have seen all the endings now and I can say that I am satisfied. The original 3 are good and new one kinda sucks but it goes with choice you make. If they had done this from Day1 all this whining and shit could have been avoided

Have I ever broken a controller in anger? LOL I have broken consoles in anger! Kicked em, hit them with controllers, threw them out my apt window. Controllers? I have broken waaay to many to keep track of, but of course this was when I was younger. Ya know what cured me of most of anger issues? $300-$400 consoles and

I think that is the first Dorkly videogame skit that I didn't find to be funny...

I remember seeing that! I wished they had a real print copy of it cause I'd buy it ;)

I haven't played FFXI since the Wings of the Goddess expansion, I could be wrong but this initial trailer didn't impress me. It kinda looked like everything from the other expansions. Not saying its bad, just that it's not enough to lure me back.