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Thumbs Up!
that movie was classic!
Mike I hope that you are not only counting calories for your intake, cause I have been following Snacktaku as of late and unfortunately(because I love it this food too) shit is shit no matter what you wrap it in. The sodium content alone in MickeyDs shit is startling, then ya have the carbs and sugars which dont help…
This game looks really good. I especially enjoyed the concept with the house, enlarge the dollhouse, shrink the real house, put it in the dollhouse. So cool, so much can be done with this game I really hopes he succeeds cause I cant wait to play this!
That is awesome!! I am gonna leave some shaving cream remnants in my sink in hopes that the Christmas Yak will bring me a poster of this!! ;)
Hmmm, which will release first Half-Life Ep3 or Black Mesa...
I really wish it was that easy but it usually isn't. I got the RROD 2 months ago and it dispalyed the code for the GPU or CPU overheating. Took it apart cleaned off the GPU and CPU replaced the heat paste. Got the xbox to boot for 5 min before RROD again. This time the code said that there was broken soder somewhere…
I was really impressed by everything that can be done with this engine. I cant wait to see some of the game that are going to use this :X
That is so sad, I am sorry for your loss, I have had cats most of my life, I have 2 cats now one is going to be 20 in Sept and the other just turned 9. I dont know what I'm gonna do when my 20 yr old eventually passes. He such a big part of my life, follows me around, talks to me, sleeps with me.
"Geddit? Sucker? Because vampires. You know, they suck. Blood. It's… oh, nevermind"
These screens look really good, but I will reserve further judgement for the betas when it comes
"Lessons in Garnering Suckers to Part with Cash" By Sir Peter Moyneux
Wow that looks great! I bet my first gen Droid X wont be able to run it... ;_;
For some reason if it was a guy writing this article I was gonna say to get over it, its not all that bad. Seeing how it's a woman I just resorted to the male tactic of in one ear and out the other, which in and of itself is interesting because if its a guy I see it as an opinion, but since its a girl I see it as…
There we have it Ladies and Gentlemen Today's WTF video XD
I am definitely looking forward to playing this game
That's kind of a shame only because I chose to save them in my first playthrough, on my second playthrough I nuked em ;)
I know whats on my Must Buy list for next March!
Even if they are I'll take it ;)
Luke you hit the nail right the head, that has got to be the the most generic trailer I have ever seen. Look! A genric warrior type! Oooh! A sexy generic mage type! Woah! A scary generic thief type! Its really a shame that everyone except for Zenimax & Bethesda can see what a black eye this is going to be for them....