
I don't think it will have anything to do with the museum, I think that it will deal with somethng totally different

Im sure that someone said in the earlier posts but the snow elves were driven into slavery by the dwemer not the nords.

I guess its not ok only because the friggin thing costs so much. I was one of the people that got Electronics boutique to stop exchanging PS1 if anything went wrong. I broke 8 different PS1s, 6 of them due to Final Fantasy Tactics. I kicked em, smashed em with controllers, I even threw one out my apartment window. In

That is awesome! For me though it is waaaay too much work, and knowing myself I would f it up on the axels and smash the whole thing...

Man that is too friggin hilarious! I love that look on her face, I laugh every time I see it

I fell asleep playing FFXI once when I woke I was dead and no one was around. My friend said that we had wiped cause I fell asleep so they just left me where I was XD

Ok to me this video basically says women are clueless when buying games and you to be polite and talk down to them so they dont feel as stupid as they really are... Way to go Gamestop!

Yo! Zelda is the BIZ-OMB-diggity-yeaaaaauuuuhhhh!!! Why you haters dissin on my homey like dat! Sho nuff shes got the 411 that true playas need!! True dat!! Im out y'all

I noticed the happy face first, then the boobs, then the knife, and lastly the scared face

I hope he fares well on his next endeavor, I really thought Xplay was a horrible review show because how do you slam on game about bad aspects of it are and then turn around and give it a 3 or 4 out of 5. I don't think their reviews were really theirs though as much as influenced by people above them saying they have

Man that place was fucking nuts! I lost my wallet on the cannonball ride, ya went down a tube and it opened about 6 ft above a natural pond that had a natural creek running through it. The water was ice-fucking-cold. So when ya lost your wallet it was at the bottom of a 10 ft deep ice cold pond. Then they had a water

That movie was the fucking BOMB! The stuff was so stupid that you help but laugh. My favorite scene is probably when he had krazy-glued that guys dog to the ceiling. the look on the guys face was classic! XD

Man that hair is... is... oh man I think he cuts it himself in the mirror, enough about him though, that store is awsome. it has a little bit of everything. If I lived there I would definitely be trading stuff there. I saw that Vectrex, I remember back in the day I wanted one of those sooooo bad!

*applause* lmao

And it comes with own cream!!

"Shooting guys in the dick is not cool butters!!" XD

lol sketch=funny, batman costume=cheesy(was that a garbage bag for a cape? XD)

Your point is well said, Sony is all over the place when they shouldn't be. 20 different types of TVs, 20 different types of camcorders, various types of other electronics such as phones, or music devices. They need to to narrow their scope. The NYT has a great article on this, the most valid point of the article was

thats what happens when bitches dont put out for bein rescued XD