
Instead of whoring their characters out for advertising they should concentrate on creating some decent games


Man is Forbidden Planet still around? I remember that place solely because a clerk there introduced to me Raw Comics by Art Spiegelman. Raw was a compilation of stories by various artists such as Art Spiegelman, Charles Burns, Basil Wolverton, and others. It was a truly great comic. I also got my copy of Maus there

looks more like he's brushing his teeth with a condom lmao

The endings definitely sucked but I'm over it, though i still wanna say Fuck You Bioware! thanksiloveyoubuhbye

They really could just sell the shirts at the store and they would make a killing on this. Even at $40USD it would still be a steal for these polo shirts

I gave up on KH years ago, it was a truly awesome series but I was really pissed at how games were on every other frickin machine. So I have to go through Wiki to follow the story.

Yes they are quite ta-ta riffic :p

That was truly epic. A great story, a great parody song, it was the best thing I have seen in awhile

You sir made me spit my drink all over my desk with that comment! Good job XD

I think that was the greatest comic I ever read, I collected the reprints by First. I think they had new artists draw the covers every six months. I think I have the first 50 or so issues, wish I had the entire volume...


Man the culture is different if she pulled that shit here her ass would either get beat down by the clerk, or the cops once they showed up

Im glad theyre finally finishing hopefully they will at least have some of the art in cutscenes

Thiose were some great DBZ shows ^^

I want to apologize in advance because I am sure that this is a great article, but I lost interest halfway through and stopped reading, seemed more like a lesson than an article ;). What I wanted to say is that to me personally the best jazz comes from the late 40s to the early 60s. Kind of Blue is a great album, it

There were so many good games in the arcades from the 70's Gorf, Phoenix, Tomahawk777, Super Breakout, Scramble, Space Invaders. My dad used to get so pissed when he would catch me in these places as a kid.

It's all still speculation but the non BC is BS thats what made the PS2 so great, the no used games is also BS, theyre gonna make you buy the game at ridiculous price, compared to getting it used at gamestop. Within the last 18 months I took up pc gaming and if this is the way MS & Sony are going with their consoles I

Musta been a slow news day in New York for this shit to get on... Oh wait it FOR THE CHILDREN!!! ZOMG! SOMEBODY HELP THEM!!!

What no Chocolate Rain?