
So silly question how much are individual comics going for nowadays? I had collected from 85-96, but basically stopped because it had got too expensive. At the time I was getting all the X titles, the 3 spiderman, all the batman, JLA, 3 image titles, and a few dark horse titles. At the end I was spending about $200/mo

Its okay, I don't think that she butchers it but it is on the bad side, kinda cute in one way but ewwww in the other :p

Me too. I'm a big man myself and my family has a history of diabetes and heart disease so I watch everything i eat

"Happy birthday, Oreos. The role you played in mostly in the past. I've got my health to think about now."

O_O: This is greatest thing I have ever seen!!!

Yeah America seems to have it ass-backwards, the food that is healthy and good for you can be expensive while shit like twinkies, steak-umms, and pork rinds are dirt cheap. no wonder were so fuckin obese...

My head just exploded that was one of the best Dreamcast games!!!

Doh! Valve it is then...

so is it me or did SE wait too long to release DLC on this? i understand the game has only been out 3 weeks, but they were teasing the colosseum and other DLC. For the colosseum they should have had day 1 dlc, and updates every week after that, not every couple of weeks. The point of the colosseum was to beat these

Its actually a difficult call to make, because if I want the best it probably be valve, but they I also think it should be Activision for the breadth of games 30+ years of development. Though I love valve it would probably be activision for the simple selection of so many games in their library.

I think its probably gonna be like The Shivering Isles for Oblivion, they will release an expansion and then maybe have a few smaller releases

I would have to agree, technology has come such a long way. It was big deal when I was 8 playing Coleco Telstar on our B/W tv. Mattel Football and Basketball were our handhelds. Theres just so many choices today Xbox, PS3, Wii, PC, ipad, kindle fire, 3DS, PS Vita.

Just realized how old I am by thinking "All of the quotes are coming from teenagers and young twentysomethings this has no relevance to me..." *sigh*

I think the scariest thing about Centralia is that they still expect the coal fires to burn for at least another 100 - 150 years.

America must be suffering from Brain Rot, how some fuckin stupid guidos and and goomahs could be still on the air is beyond me... unless its kinda like when ya see a really bad accident and you cant look away eventhough you know you should. The homeless bums in Jersey City have more 'culture' growin their soiled pants

"Every now and then a hidden gem would rise above the flock and make itself known, emitting an otherworldly light under which video game players would bask and be magically cured of all ailments. I was pretty sure Water Sports was going to be one of those games.

thats what I was thinking only 3 or 4 seem Disnylike to me

that is awesome!! LMFAO!!

I liked the demo alot, so I think 200 hrs of gameplay will be great so long as it is not repetitive

I have to agree, the way the new dashboard is arranged is horrible. The arcade,indie,360 games are buried, plus the demos are on a different tab. The as if that isn't enough the new releases aren't in order unless you sort them. And the Fios option is a great idea but it looks like total ass compared to watching