Protip: Voting 3rd party != them voting for Hillary instead. Your anger would be better directed at the 80million or so who didn’t vote (200 million people eligible, ~119.234M voted).*
Protip: Voting 3rd party != them voting for Hillary instead. Your anger would be better directed at the 80million or so who didn’t vote (200 million people eligible, ~119.234M voted).*
This is the same bullshit numbers that tanked Nader, when it was later proven that it was white Dems swinging to Bush that narrowed the gap between Bush and Gore.
Clinton cost Clinton the election.
All the smug indignation, name calling and shaming of people who were voting for someone other than Clinton really worked magic didn’t it?
Wisconsin would not have won the election for Clinton. I’m sad for you that you still..don’ Clinton was the problem. Trump and Sanders were the solutions. Unfortunately, Clinton propped up Trump because she thought it smart to gamble the country’s future. She screwed us.
This is the same bullshit numbers that tanked Nader, when it was later proven that it was white Dems swinging to Bush that narrowed the gap between Bush and Gore.
This. Libertarian is the protest vote of the right. Green is the protest vote of the left. Look at the numbers. Even if swing state Stein votes had gone Clinton it wouldn’t have been enough to put her over in the Electoral College.
Why the fuck would a libertarian vote for Clinton? What planet are you on? Hillary lost because she is an incompetent candidate.
She could have had all of Steins vote, including winning WIsconsin and Michigan and she would have still lost handidly, like it would still be a huge blow out.
Take Jill Stein out of the equation, Hillary takes Michigan and Wisconsin but still loses. This is on: