
Huh, I found the second half a bit disjointed — untidy, if anything. Ma's emotional state and her relationship to her father are both left unresolved. The former felt realistic, although the latter felt a bit sloppy.

Becoming a parent also lowered my tolerance for this kind of movie, but I ended up seeing it, anyway. It's excellent, but extremely hard to watch.

Leela is also the biological parent of Kif's brood (if not the smizmar).

What about Jason Segel?

Or Vera Peterson and Maris Crane from the Cheers universe.

Egyptians ARE Mediterraneans. (Northern ones, anyway, which is most of them.) People on either side of the Mediterranean don't look all that different.

He's got big tracts of land.

He hasn't filled out his twenty-seven B stroke six!

Gideon? Moses? Samson is the clearest example of a Biblical superhero. He even has his kryptonite (haircuts).

Heath Ledger was really good in it.

The trilogy ends when he finally goes to Tosche Station to pick up those power converters.

So is Jaxxon.

2001 came out in 1968. You were close.

I'd be doing my barely passable one back at you!

He had a small part in the (otherwise terrible) Penguins of Madagascar movie.

They sound distinct to me. I've never heard anyone do a completely convincing Herzog impression.

"One human, one primate."

Shaun of the Dead uses "the zed word"!

Technically they aren't zombies in Night of the Living Dead, either. The script refers to them as "ghouls". Romero was surprised when people started calling them "zombies", since he hadn't intended any connection to Haitian folklore. (But he went with it.)

And what the hell is wrong with its legs? Why do the elbows bend backwards?