
I assume they can go into the water, but it's hard getting back out again.

Meanwhile, the deadliest terrorist in modern Norwegian history, by a long shot, was a native, Islamophobic ethnonationalist.

What's Sansa's?

And guacamole with peas.

Fortunately the name is never actually mentioned in the movie.

Then there's space opera's progenitor, planetary romance (e.g., the Barsoom series, which John Carter adapted).

Um, MAGA hats?

The Shining, not 2001.

Interesting that people talk about *Francesca* being thinly sketched, when Pino's entire character is, "I really like tiles."

Shadows in all four directions (and sometimes not there)?


More likes for this one!

Wolverine is Canadian for Honey Badger.

Kinda like King of the Hill in that regard. Just an ordinary Joe who's endearingly passionate about his lackluster job.

I just realized … so, everyone in this movie has a jokey name. For example, the leader of Russia's name is "Kissov" ("kiss-off").

Sony does the Spider-Man movies, not Marvel Studios. And they keep doing them because they don't want the rights to go back to Marvel.

I don't even know any more.


What is a right accent, anyway? If the movie's in English, it's already "wrong".