
All the stars for you...

I’m going to say someting melodramatic here - I’m dying, and thus I won’t be here in say, the next twenty years. But shush now. I have a long, long post here. It’s aimed at you Millennial snotterbag. Listen up, please (and stop chewing that gum, you in the purple hoodie. I know where you live...)

This blowsy, orange blowhard.

I like generals who DON’T lose.

It’s so fitting that this phony ass nation gets a spray-tan Hitler, a turtle-mouthed Paul von Hindenburg, and ubermenschen soldiers carrying tiki torches to bring about its great disgrace. 

It continually amazes me how many in the veteran community have elevated Trump to some god-tier protector of the military. These same lugnuts couldn’t stop frothing about how Obama was a secret Muslim Marxist overlord, intent on destroying America as we know it. Meanwhile, Bonespurs McDeferment is doing everything in

Nah, when Republicans yell “support the troops” they’re saying the exact same thing as when they yell “abortion is bad” and “gay marriage is bad” and “immigration is bad.”

When Republicans yell “Support The Troops”, what they really mean is “Support The Military Industrial Complex.” 

This is Trump. He stood in front of a crowd of vets and told them that the media lies and they should only believe what he says and no one else. Some of them even send him presents because they claim he’s doing such a good job. They don’t care how he acts because some of them are brainwashed.

He would have said something more dignified, but he’s preoccupied, what with it being National Bone Spur Awareness Day.

While I don’t personally don’t care that Trump continues to piss on McCain’s even in death, because they’re both horrible in their own special way and they deserve each other. The fact that GOP senators and representatives are, once again, going to stand completely mute as the memory of their revered colleague and

It’s not like she or her terminally ill father have ever benefited from something like government funded healthcarrrrrRROHMYGOD

i’ve been arguing for people to call “obamacare” the “affordable care act” when writing about it since day fucking one.

people that dont want it, hate obama, so they dont want obamacare. but they want the ACA because they’re losing their toes and teeth.

Of course, our shitty system works just fine for Meghan McCain. She’s earned her money the old fashioned way; she inherited it.

I don’t give a fuck about anything that McCain has to say. “Our shitty systems work just fine” is a tentpole GOP tenet that people are turning away from as they realize that our shittiness cannot coexist with the myth of our “greatness.”

Trump handing $12 billion of taxpayers money over to help farmers affected by Trump’s derelict tariffs IS SOCIALISM AND WELFARE.

Notice how McCain and other concern trolls in the media will focus almost entirely on the label and not the substance. When substance is brought up, they will deflect as quickly as possible to the label, and to Venezuela, and to anything other than the actual policies and ideas being proposed.