
It really pisses me off how in the Thrillist article he wrote something like “Stanich was going through family problems that plague most families.” Ummmmmmmmmmm strangling your terminal wife in front of your son isn’t something that “plagues most families.” 

Woman’s pain gets in the way of man’s ego; man soldiers on. This story and more on News at 9.

It appears that as he set out to report a story about family, guilt, and a man’s tortured brush with fame, Alexander found evidence of another story that didn’t fit in with the essay about personal salvation he envisioned.

As someone who has been the largest adult in almost every room, photo, car, elevator or airplane I’ve ever been in, leave Knickers the hell alone.

People in the west side of Los Angeles don’t want to make it easier for poor people to visit their neighborhood.

Probably just regular old rich people NIMBY bullshit, and general resistance to change any part of a system that is already working well for them. 

More clickbait on Gawker.

Unless you kill somebody, nobody should get jail time for a speeding ticket. I know she was really in trouble for missing her court date but what the fuck people. There is got to be a better way to do this shit. It probably cost more to jail her than the fines would ever amount to.

Fun fact: Oregon only (relatively) recently amended the “no black folks allowed” part of their state constitution. Don’t fall for the trappings of white liberal utopias.

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“In fact, shouldn’t this practice be widespread?”

Do we get emails from apartment management basically monthly saying “If you put your recycling in a plastic bag, even a standard garbage bag, they will just throw it in the trash?” Yes.

Are our cans filled 100% of the time with recycling in bags? Double yes.

It’s like a plane arriving at the gate. Everyone can try to get to the aisle, but nothing will make more room. Even if 100% were warned and 100% had cars, there were already too many cars for the capacity of the road. It’s also likely that the ones who were warned, went to warn their neighbors. If only 1 in 3 homes

I felt like I was losing my mind reading this part from the Mercury News:

It does exist.

Civil defense no longer exists in America.

An article related to dead, missing and homeless people impacted by this fire and you feel the need to play grammar police.  Get some perspective

I’m really not clear on any part of this concept: where is the pacifier going to land that you consider it too dirty to put in the child’s mouth, but fine for yours? I can see not being picky about letting the kid stick it back in their mouth, but this intermediate step is baffling.

Sometimes I’m just tired or hungover or really not into it. Do I really have to put on a show for these people full-time?

So it turns out Taco Bell won’t kill you if you eat it but make you live to over 100? Or is this lady just a mutant?