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    I feel you. My worst case of food poisoning was in Beijing when I was an undergrad, from the dining hall food. My cell phone that I bought there to use died on day 2, so there went contacting anyone, and I spoke no Mandarin. I felt like death, managed to go to the school store, and point out a thermometer and procure

    My middle school self lived off of Pop Tarts for lunch. I realized that the two times per week I got lunch money = $$$ if I didn’t actually spend it on a full lunch.  It was probably the greatest # of calories per $ in the vending machine?

    I bought one of these on Prime Day. It is super uncomfortable for me at 5'5"; I think they probably need multiple sizes. Amazon also won’t let me review it; it seems like everything that was on sale on Prime Day has had its reviews disabled due to “unusually high reviewing activity”, which makes me think the whole

    I bought one of these on Prime Day. It is super uncomfortable for me at 5'5"; I think they probably need multiple

    She’s not even!  She’s of Italian descent.

    Yeah. I love Kamala Harris, but the part of me that has experience in public policy wanted to cry as she keeps advertising her rent relief act, giving tax credit to anyone who paid more than 30% of their income on rent and made <$100k. It’s just makes zero economic sense, in the sense that it creates very perverse

    If you are on a US carrier, you have no hope. I’ve gotten these things on a lot of international carriers though!

    This was a huge issue in DC recently— health inspectors were fining places that had dogs on patios, even though it was previously overlooked. Let me tell you, this became a super high priority for the city council to overturn after all of the complaints (“Dining with Dogs emergency legislation”), rather than dealing

    The Nike workout tops do when you get them from a thrift store/for free (also it looks like someone pulled it out of their closet from 1995). I am almost sure this woman is homeless and mentally ill; I’m pretty sure I saw her get kicked out of the Union Station Au Bon Pain at one point. Not that that justifies her

    I’m actually pretty sure I’ve seen this same woman before in DC and also pretty sure she is homeless/mentally ill.  I think I saw her get kicked out of the Union Station Au Bon Pain at one point.  Not that mental illness makes her remarks ok, but I’m not sure there’s anything productive to do to change her...

    Solution: never buy a bottle of wine at a restaurant. Buy beer, as excellent beer can be had at much lower prices. I almost cried last night when I was eating at a decently nice restaurant and I saw them bringing a bottle of Ravenswood wine to a table.

    I recommend https://www.theflightdeal.com/category/flight-deals/ I now finally have a decent job where I can spend less time searching for rock bottom prices, but my crowning flight achievements include a $350 roundtrip ticket from LA to New Delhi on Emirates (error fare), $250 roundtrip flight from NYC to Barcelona,

    Given that 22% of all Amazon reviewers give the refurbished one one star due to crappy jobs refurbishing, I would not consider this a good deal.

    Given that 22% of all Amazon reviewers give the refurbished one one star due to crappy jobs refurbishing, I would

    Not to be splitting hairs, but being the first black woman to graduate from a program explicitly in nanoscience is not the same as being the first black woman nanoscientist in the state. See this list of physics Ph.D.s http://aawip.com/aawip-members/; at the very least (I didn’t go through the whole list) Ivy Krystal

    Harris blocked off a second stairwell that prevented attendees from escaping”. Pretty sure that makes him liable, regardless of how many people he “saved”, because he was responsible for making the thing a death trap to begin with. Seems like he did it to manage his party, which then backfired, and he’s trying to

    This too is my general philosophy, but why do we tip bartenders who open a can/bottle of beer, and don’t even pour anything, $1 (or at least I feel that is standard)? Is it because it’s a bar? If it’s in a place where they’re working making a very low tipped minimum wage, it makes sense to help the bartenders survive,

    The number of men who hit on me while I had a red version of picture #2 would beg to differ.