
Your position seems to be largely rooted in the assumption that there is nothing objective to be said about the well being of conscious creatures... although you recognize that, apparently, humans have “basic” rights that transcend culture. This position, as a whole, seems self contradictory.

I would bet that they went about this the wrong way. I played a college sport where we routinely traveled with 36 or more players, plus coaches, equipment managers, etc, with everyone bringing at least 2 bags that matched identically to everyone else’s. We would all just wait by baggage claim, and as each bag came

Being offered a free Lexus GS F for the weekend felt like being offered custody of the child of a distant relative

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

So the fuck what? He’s not his brother. He’s not responsible for his brother. Frankly, it’s fucking irresponsible to write articles like this cause there’s way too many crazy assholes who WILL blame him for it (the same crowd who want muslim leaders to always apologize for terrorist attacks) and will want to hurt him.

I like the way you distinguish between sins of commission and sins of omission. Those two groups of sinners need each other to game the system, and each can blame the other for creating conditions of systemic injustice.

“Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget.”

The reason Tesla gets away with shortcomings that other car manufacturers don’t, apart from the whole novelty aspect of it, is because the model X is a “car without compromise”. It’s a massive suv with the drag performance of a Ferrari Enzo and the highest safety rating in its class. It's sporting the most high tech

From my experience they consider it the gentle way to show their disapproval without getting into trouble with. Long as they don’t say they outright hate ‘the lifestyle’ or say they want to stop it than it’s not the same thing.

Exactly —- they’ll also pull out ‘we all have a right to our opinion, I let you have your opinion and I’ll have mine’ — without any thought to a) the fact that you don’t get to have “opinions” on the way someone else was BORN. and b) that their ‘opinion’ has been the basis for discrimination and violence for a very,

Identity is not an argument.

honest applause for your entire kick-ass post, bonus points for the stellar use of my new favorite word ‘buttcanoe’

Yes! This whole “agree to disagree [about your whole existence and life]” thing just baffles me. That’s not how agreeing *or* lifestyles work. You weren’t asked to agree to shit, just as I am not asked to agree to anything regarding the lifestyles of old men who play cards in the park all day.

This not like having differing tastes in musicals or a friend of yours preferring the Star Wars prequels to the Force Awakens.


If the whole thing you ‘disagree’ with is the mere idea of someone loving another person who is the same gender as them than yeah. You’re not respecting them at all.

My conversation about homosexuality with my kids, then ages six and four, went like this:

If your response is that the NBA should not get involved in LGBT issues with the All-Star Game: