
Your position seems to be largely rooted in the assumption that there is nothing objective to be said about the well being of conscious creatures... although you recognize that, apparently, humans have “basic” rights that transcend culture. This position, as a whole, seems self contradictory.

I want the big screen guys to make their logical progression to the small.

To the public, a fast conflagration, a rapid exothermic reaction, and an explosion are the same thing. Not that they know the first two terms, but show them three videos and they’ll point out minor differences - maybe - but call them all explosions. To the person who has a lithium battery go off in their pocket or

Yeah, there was one in Jessica Jones - it was when she went to get Hope out of the hotel.

. . .Even for a site devoted to science fiction and fantasy, there needs to be some grounding in reality, sir.

It has better resolving power *even accounting for distance to target*. Seriously. Check out the Jupiter images on the Hubble website and compare them to this — they are much better quality. Juno’s camera is there purely for public engagement purposes — basically, to play tourist and take pictures of what the

Unfortunately, the Lego figures may never return home.

“Unfortunately, the Lego figures may never return home.”

I would bet that they went about this the wrong way. I played a college sport where we routinely traveled with 36 or more players, plus coaches, equipment managers, etc, with everyone bringing at least 2 bags that matched identically to everyone else’s. We would all just wait by baggage claim, and as each bag came

The mere idea that having the FIRST GAY (BLANK) would be driven by a profit motive is progress in-and-of-itself! :)

Movies, TV, video games, etc are all in this strange position of being both art and a consumer product. It’s always hard to say if something is being done because the creator feels it’s best for the art, because the marketing department feels it’s best for sales, or (most likely) some compromise between the two.

He’s literally just retweeting things live now.

Joker as surprise villain would have been insane-in-the-membrane. I soooo wish that was a thing.

The problem is that Snyder has no idea how to build his character. When Super Jesus isn’t in an action scene, he’s just staring blankly while someone else lectures about who he is with little to no reaction from him in a manner reminiscent to the Matrix sequels. We don’t really even know why he wants to save people

But not everybody does “access anything requiring an ID”. Lots of poor people don’t have cars—no need for a driver’s license. They work in a cash economy—no need for a bank account. They can’t afford to go to bars—no need to present ID. They may live several hours away from the nearest DMV, and as previously noted,

What about an 80-year-old in a wheelchair with no family? Functional or adult enough for you? You will lose this fight. You’re the one trying to infringe other people’s rights. It doesn’t matter what you think of what they should be able to do. All that matters is that they have rights, and you can’t take them away

I’d suggest you read up on “de jure” vs “de facto” segregation. TL;DR: It doesn’t matter what your gut tells you should happen, because of whatever “common-sense” bias-driven notion you’re embracing. We all have common sense, and it’s often wrong, but never uncertain. That’s why facts matter. And legally speaking, all

You’re kinda being deliberately obtuse here. Asking for ID in order to provide a fundamental right, when you know that older people, poor people, and minorities are less likely to have the required ID is ageist, classist, and racist. Checking ID before entering a private club is a different thing, and you know it’s a

Is ‘cat’ making a comeback? Can I start using it again? Please?