
I’m a black, millenial male, and 2017 has been absolutely demoralizing. All my life I’ve sincerely believed racism is a thing of the past, the only ones still clinging to white supremacy were dying off, the future was rosy. Even DJTs rise didn’t trouble me as much because he still lost the popular vote and the youth

While his points have merit, I question his motives. Removing all statues from Memphis seems like it’s just a sneaky way to get out of paying Chandler Parson’s contract.

I’m beginning to not enjoy this Trump guy.

Cedar Point is fun. Come at me, haters.

It’s absolutely fair to say that when the one coming up short was an active participant in normalizing Trump and is still giving weak statements today. If Fallon wanted to stay out of politics, he would stay out of politics. He doesn’t get to have candidates on his show, goof around with maniacs who have built their

I cant’ stand Fallon but, good for him.

That really is the worst part. You just don’t do that.

Why wouldn’t we, when Jezebel’s standard headline approach is to introduce the viewpoint that the article will take? That the headline is taking a position is standard for the entire Gawker Media Empire™. 

I.... have no idea where you’re going with that headline or this article?

Yeah, I thought the headline was gonna lead into an article about what a terrible analogy it is but 1) it didn’t and 2) it seems pretty apt.

I feel like the lede here should be “Conor Oberst was falsely accused of rape, and OH HEY uses the opportunity when asked about it to be publicly compassionate toward women who’ve been assaulted.”

Except its when its THEIR illness, fuck everyone else.

The main perpetrator, you know the WHITE QB teammate, is getting ready to play his 3rd season of college football. Yeah, first 2 were JC and I think his new team is kind of obscure, but he’s competing to be a starting QB for a college program somewhere. Not sure if I missed all the outrage over the white guy or not.

This feels like a win-win.

This movie was the best I’ve seen all year. The twists and turns are a thrill.

Again, I think they screwed themselves by announcing this both nationally and before there’s any elections for it. It’s one thing if you have an election ongoing and can say “Candidate D lines up with you on everything but abortion while Candidate R lines up with nothing and also not abortion” than to shout this out

Apparently in the source material, Delphine’s character is male and comes to the same end. I really don’t know - should they not have gender bent the character? Then it wouldn’t pass the Bechdel Test. Would have it been okay if she was wearing more clothes? If he shot her instead of strangling her? I’m not trolling, I


Sharks, babe!!!

Gilbert has always been a crappy owner blessed with extraordinary luck.