
This is objectively true

Actually, though it came down to goal differential, Man City won by 8, but this year they won only by 1.

I think you are forgetting recency bias. Objectively this one will always be more recent.

Since that movie in the seventies, most people know about Devil's Tower


Except for Phil, he can go ahead and walk alone. Barcelona agrees.

^Negative Nancy

I think we all know that the NHL will see a repeat offender committing an egregious, dangerous foul and suspend him for the rest of the series.

I hate penalty shootouts much more than the away-goal tiebreaker.


I just call that voice, “Dad”.

So, essentially, they are saying that he was standing on one foot before he shoots. The rule does not say you have to have both feet established outside the arc. You need to have at least one foot outside the arc and not be touching the city inside the arc at all.

Ok, cool, and I would never ask for travelling to be called in the NBA, but

How is that not a two-pointer?

He catches that ball and is clearly straddling the line. He lifts the foot off the inside of the line while shooting and never puts it down outside the arc.


They’re not protesting, their cars all broke down and they are waiting for roadside assistance.

This week?


No. There is no goal. The play stopped at the foul.

I disagree.

I get the arguments against Chicago did, but man I love some Pequod’s pizza.

Lol. I see the confusion.

Name one.