
He has probably put on clothes now. And is hiding in plain sight.

Yeah, but not their own.

I need there to be a re-release of this with commentary from Pally.

You just order one at the stand in Reykjavik and eat what they give you and leave happy.

At least Harry Kane isn’t going to try to take credit for a lousy single

Yawn. You already have the internet. If you haven’t looked up and understood the experts’ objections, it is because you are not trying.

Of course, I couldn’t perceive your chuckle. These are written comments

You are either mistaken or stupid. This law won’t do what you think it will, and any number of resources from those who understand its effects are available.

Last-second goal? C’mon, there’s a clock right there.

Clearly that proved a distraction.

Actually, that sale remains in a proposed status and will not go through until late ‘18 or early ‘19.

Terms were agreed in December 2017, but the companies remain separate right now.

The MAC should get two in the men’s tournament every damned year.

Speaking of entitled... that guy should hear his daughter

Which will ultimately be their downfall.

I do get it. There were clearly people at the showing last night who had a much more visceral reaction to the movie than I did (in a good way - we watched one family walk out of one showing and then walk back in to the next one - prepaid assigned seating) and I need to read no further than the reflections of The Root

I have massive respect for you, but with regards to Lincoln not caring about black people, I think I will defer to Frederick Douglass.

It is absolutely absurd. Just trying to guess motivation, not trying to agree with it.

The only possible explanation is that she simply didn’t want to take a seat from a black person who might connect more deeply to the event.

Well, fuck..

Don’t know what else to say.

Blown. Heh.