
Prends ta étoile

There was a huge conspiracy.

The other players kept the juice away from Edgar Martinez so that he wouldn’t make it in.

Yeah, but millions of people drink cough medicine.

“Hurting Brady’s hand was brilliant. No one else would have thought of it. My cousin’s best pal says Belichick thought of it while reviewing the tapes of Jacksonville’s Tuesday practice.”

Wasn’t apologizing (Which he did), and calling for an investigation into himself the start of stepping to redeem himself.

Even at that number, you are discussing 7600 world class speedskaters.

Wait. Isn’t “titty milk” unnecessarily repetitive. Isn’t milk assumed to be titty milk unless otherwise specified. If it was alien almond milk, I think that would be an important modifier

Well, he knew that tweet would stay at rest until he acted upon it.

Boston was excited to get another of America’s great modern thinkers.

My son attend Miami University, their athletic page for a while was until they sold it to someone else who also gores Hawks

The right hand plagiarized this from some 50 Shades fan fiction

You might want to update your lie of a headline.

GM hiring process was back-handed, not one-day.

Everyone loves a campfire!

woah, woah, woah. «mind Blown»

And bad knees, and the guy stepped away to consider retirement and limping away from millions because he can’t be the player he wants to be.

Yeah. I have absolutely no problem with letting Minnesota weigh a primary challenger against an incumbent and his seniority. That seems like a great part of this process, frankly. Also, I want him to go through an ethics investigation and have an opportunity to correct his issues, which to this point have been

Yeah. That is bullshit, too. Just because he’s made a great deal of money doesn’t mean when his body breaks he doesn’t get my sympathy rather than my scorn.

Run sometime at him in the primaires. Let the ethics review work. The risk of letting the guy they elected perform the job he was elected to do is ok by me

Watching people go through chronic pain makes me read your opening paragraph and say “Fuck you”.

I get that he has million of dollars to ease his suffering, but when pain limits you from what you want to do, it sucks, even when you are wealthy.

Yeah, because approval ratings, previously high, don’t have the to come back in the next 2 1/2 years.