
Here’s even more of a spoiler. It is never addressed or alluded to. If you need a nail to hang your hat on, Lila is a little crazy, and this is just an affectation for no reason. Because even her parents had an Indian British accent.  Not her Sloanie one.

I binged the entire season in two days. No spoilers, obviously, but I thought the whole thing was a massive improvement on the first season.

Alison kicking off her shoes and jumping in the pool fully clothed to hug Klaus was adorable. I really like how this season isn’t shying away from how the two of them reckon with the racism/homophobia they’d obviously face sixty years in the past.

with elegant Harvard pal Chloe (Maisie Richardson-Sellers),

I guess I can understand the appeal of a character who steals from the wealthy to distribute amongst the poor in our current climate.

I’ll be curious to see how the right-wing media addresses this (if they will even recognize it.)

Counter point: I changed the wake word to computer and now my fucking House is Star Trek

I don’t even want to talk to people. Now I’m supposed to speak to an unfeeling robot that knows everything and can record and share my conversation to it and anybody else in the house? No thanks.

We had a good run. I for one, welcome our new Robot overlords and remind them that they’ll need people with English Degrees to help them further understand emotions.

I could not agree with you more. I was never a huge Clara fan to begin with but really disliked her by the end. (Not Jenna Coleman’s fault, I just felt like they could never get a handle on how to write her as a character and the dynamic she had with Capaldi was... weird). But I really liked the dynamic between

Doctor Who as a whole really could’ve benefited from one less season with Clara and one more season with Bill.

Having the DCCW Trinity - Barry, Kara, Oliver - say “I hate Nazis” at the same time is a not-subtle, but entirely welcome message from the Arrowverse writers.

It’s fairly common that when queer adults come out, they regress to what would have been their teen years, in terms of vulnerability and earnestness (and teen stupidity). People take for granted that someone at 22 (or 32 or 42), after having lived a guarded, closeted life, can act like someone who has been sexually

The LoT episode where Jax and Amaya confronted & experienced slavery I thought was amazingly well done, I’m not sure the show has topped that since, but I thought it put it on a good path to be both goofy and socially conscious, somehow.

Also a sort of “gay second adolescence” can be a very real thing. Alex herself has said she never really had any relationships before Maggie.

It actually doesn’t make much sense for Sara to be there over Ray either. I mean, Barry and Iris have only interacted with her during the last crossover.

It made no sense that Mick was invited to the wedding and Ray wasn’t, except that Mick stole the crossover last year so of course they had to include him again. Him never turning down an open bar also makes sense, obviously. I loved him drinking steadily in the background through Joe’s lovely speech that had everyone

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lets rephrase that to say, “I didn’t know someone from Not another teen movie could be this funny.”

Lanvers was everything I was hoping for.

Ya know, this sort of thinking is exactly why British actors of color feel as though they have to come to the US to even get work. This idea that “English” is equivalent to white is the problem, so that doesn’t even remotely excuse his lack of diversity, especially since he’s a nerd from Los Angeles County.