I stole the tv

Dalton Wilcox wrote that book. Duh.

You spelled "lesbians" wrong.

Speaking as one of our nation's lesbians, it's been a dry spell to be sure.

It would be insane for Frankenstein to offer to bring Sembene back. He has already seen - in life, and in his hallucinations - what a bad idea that was in his previous three attempts.

Stab. Kick. Stab. Kick.

I love that they have these little moments where he's like her gay BFF who amuses him, and in the next moment she threatens him again and then kisses him against his will. It's an interesting but dysfunctional relationship.

It's not just that she reversed the power dynamic - how in the hell did she suddenly understand that Victor had created her and Clare? Or was she calling him their "little God" figuratively?

He may not believe in magic himself (yet), but he might be considering the possibility that the crime was perpetrated by a believer/practitioner.

She and Jon Hamm have that same talent - two of the most attractive actors in the world are also the best at looking incredibly haggard.

So where does this episode fit with the timeline? Did the events of it take place before or after "Seance"? After makes more sense, because you could then surmise that Kali/Poole first took an interest in Vanessa after seeing her possession at the dinner party and then came after her at Joan's house. If Seance came

I still want to know how Victor F. intends to keep Ethan from running into The Bride. Or was he counting on Caliban leaving town with her? Maybe that's why he looked so discomfited when Caliban told him he would always be nearby.

If you have this show on DVR, pause and read the divorce papers Phil signs.