The thing about Perd Hapley is that he was a journalist named Perd Hapley who always stated the obvious, much like I’m doing right now.
The thing about Perd Hapley is that he was a journalist named Perd Hapley who always stated the obvious, much like I’m doing right now.
Bobby Digital himself believes the new owners will likely share the record the way Wu-Tang hoped it would be shared in the first place.
Or Roy: “Of course this fucking sucks! They’re fucking arseholes!”
But as in Wright’s last film, Baby Driver, the characters are shiny objects first and people second
Scream IS a parody. Heather Graham’s character gets killed because her boobs are too big to fit through the hole in the garage door, that was goddamn hilarious. The problem with Scary Movie is that it’s a bad parody of a good parody.
I love the running gag in “Who Got Dee Pregnant” where Dee is progressively more bird-like in each flashback, culminating with her being replaced by an actual screeching Ostrich in Mac’s recollection.
Big minus points on Supernatural though if I remember correctly as everyone keeps pronouncing the Gaelic Samhain as Sam Hain ( its either Sow(rhymes with plow) win, or Saw win depending on dialect)
Glad they aren’t going to Jackie Jormp-Jomp this project.
Leprechaun over Jeepers Creepers is insane.
I am so relieved. Now go greenlight that/those sequels!
Agreed, well worth seeing in theaters. Every penny of the budget is on the screen.
Dune is not “hard” scifi. It’s instead a paradigmatic example of “soft” scifi.
Less faithful adaptations seem to generally be worse, but “Under the Skin” did a great job while making so many changes some fans theorize it’s actually a sequel.
CHOAM and the Landsraad: The stock market and Congress, respectively; both are made up almost entirely of heads of the Great Houses, who use them both as proxies for their long-standing fights.
The metadata for this torrent says “not the best quality, better quality coming October 22, take it or leave it”.
Honestly, the Sherlock inclusion actually made me laugh out loud.
My favorite clever name may be the Smiths cover group called This Charming Band.
I prefer bands that actually live up to their funny names, like Dread Zeppelin.
Man, I had forgotten about the word ‘Netizens’.
At most it might be a conclusion to the overall arc of the Home* series, but there’s no way the suits at Sony or Disney are going to let one of the most popular, profitable characters in history sit on the shelf.