It’s moron for “husband”.
It’s moron for “husband”.
Either report on this because it’s an impressive video, or don’t report on it because you want to spare Zelda Williams from further heartache over it.
I don’t have an issue with the mimicry. It’s crazy good. And you have to hustle in this business; I get why Costa did it. Make good shit and put it out into the universe, make things happen, etc etc.
This isn’t really shocking news to any deep Beatles fan.
I hope Nick isn’t getting trashed by people on social who can’t separate art from reality, because his work in bringing Nate and his arc to life has been absolutely stellar. Even when Nate is at his worst you can see layers - Nick communicates them so well.
It all just looks so cheap...maybe it’s the babylike Prime Video logo up in the corner the whole time, but uhhh hope the WoT fans are happy to get an adaptation at least of some kind?
Blade is finally getting the movie he deserves? Um, look, maybe you watched a different Blade than I did but that first movie was pretty damn good considering it didn’t have the present-day version of the Marvel juggernaut behind it.
If you reacted negatively to this then it's your fault we have Clippy.
I thought they said she got to record all her lines before she passed away.
No mention of the fact that this Ultron is straight-up Galactus? Like, doesn’t just resemble him, but grows to gigantic size and literally eats a planet?
Such an amazing episode. Of course it gets a crappy score here.
But what if you think Skyfall is a ridiculously overrated mediocrity?
I want John Mulaney involved and I’m not kidding.
Thousands of convicted felons who leave prison can't get jobs but this dumbass can go right back to hers... Cool
That opening was baller.
Dream is rockin’ the Blue Steel look.
Your manager just wants...the best...the best...the best for you.
All we needed was an Englishman in a bathrobe with a fish in his ear and carrying a towel...
I want it to be a six hour Mindy and Buttons cartoon.