
We never see Ted Lasso articles on this site so this is a nice surprise.

I need a special episode devoted entirely to Cheryl and Pam being English “ladies”.

Know then that it is the year 2021. The known universe is ruled by the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission Lina Khan. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the soft-serve twist (vanilla is okay, but meh). The twist extends consciousness, the twist extends life (note, not verified by the FDA).

Speaking about queer characters and Venture Brothers, Shoreleave was easily one of my favorite characters.

Yes, although it is worth understanding that the movie isn’t based on the book. Clarke and Kubrick worked on the screenplay together (based on some ideas from some of Clarke’s short stories, especially “The Sentinel”, about finding an alien artifact on the moon) , and Clarke then expanded it to a novel. In essence he

‘Without his approval’ - almost certainly
‘Within the bounds of their contract and with Universal desperate to get it out before Kanye digs the grave for it even deeper’ - also almost certainly

He gave a delight turn as Granny Goodness in Superman: TAS and JL/JLU.

Game Pass For PC

When reached for comment, the writers could only say “Oh shit.”

Probably only a matter of time til she gets sued by the Nevermind baby.

Well, the movie was also BAD amirite??? :P :P :P

in situations where food was plentiful, they may have used their sensitive snouts to eat the more nutritious parts of their prey selectively,”

I will never not laugh at that melodica cover video. Height of comedy, for me.

I find it kind of funny


I would love to show a random sample of Hamilton fans some of the wildest clipping songs just to see how they react

When I said “Candyman” five times in front of a mirror, Sammy Davis, Jr. appeared and performed.

“Orlock is a vampire who moves into Hutter’s town and begins terrorizing his wife Ellen (Greta Schröder), which we assume is the role for Taylor-Joy.” I normally find gender-swapped movie remakes irritating, but Tayl0r-Joy as Orlock is something I would absolutely see.

I never get tired of this story: Mick calls Charlie’s hotel room at 3 in the moring, drunk as hell, asking “Where’s my fucking drummer?” Charlie gets up, has a shave, puts on a suit, then walks over to Mick’s room and pimp-slaps him. “I’m not your fucking drummer, you’re *my* fucking singer!”