
This movie will likely be more realistic than The Crow, and that plot is pretty general. Twists and turns of a story make it what it is.

Are you trying to say Jackman has an eating disorder and warped image of himself? If so, I disagree. He seems very self-aware and not shallow.

He announced that he's retiring from Wolverine after next year so probably not. ;)

He can drop weight really, really quickly because he's naturally a thin guy.

Also, Paul was a Jew. Are you really telling me a Jewish actor today is going to want to play a man who preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, which stands against everything today's Jews believe in? LOL. I think it is a bit silly to complain about this casting decision being whitewashed in this case.

lol, you mean Jacked Hughman.

Who are you referring to? Hugh Jackman or Christian Bale?

I don't think you know much about Hugh Jackman or his beliefs. He is a very spiritual person and has said that his relationship with God is the most important in his life. His father, whom he often refers to as his hero, is a devout Christian and Jackman grew up in the Christian church. He has donated large amounts