2nd White Line

"We're just now receiving word that the Pentagon has deciphered code from a terrorist web site containing something called CSS, which is believed to be a type of 'dirty bomb' that could be detonated in a subway or airport, turning everything into an italicized green mess."

But...but you said it on the internet! Why has nobody listened??!!

But you said it on the internet! Why is nobody listening?!!

So much for being a millionaire with RyanAir.

If you want portability, good luck typing a term paper on a tablet.

So could use a record player to do the same thing?

He's smashed.

Somebody is excited about a new style of performance eyewear.

"12 hour haul from Tokyo to Hong Kong"

I had that same basic idea years ago.

The Mets should move there. It has enough seats for all their fans!

Please let it be Jelly Doughnut. My phone needs more double ententres.

Just don't call 911.

Already got my star, but thanks for the offer.

Is Giz going to have to get the toothpicks again?

I first used a IIgs in elementary school to play Oregon Trail. To this day, I've always pronounced it "igs" (rhymes with "bigs) because I used to think the each I was the letter i.