
You’re missing the part that these people do not realize the extent of the systemic sexism. Everything you say makes sense... if you start with the understanding that men in general are more privileged than women. If you don’t, however... or even believe women have it better, any call for equality sounds more like a

So basically these vermin manchildren have the influence their Western brethren wish they had... but will just as likely be the first to complain about how society treats them badly.

Whenever I gamed with a group, I made a point of “accidentally” destroying male characters who hit on my female character in game, which was always a lame attempt IRL. It was never a purposeful kill of an ally, it was more of a “in character, she simply did not care that he got caught within range of her attack.”

Except that this article is about men creating content that only sexualizes women to an unnecessary degree. I agree with your statement - D&D is very much about wish fulfillment - but within the context of men portraying women only as sexual beings then it is about the male gaze. These changes to the illustrations

While he was obviously slighted, I don’t think his behavior in response was excusable. The fact that he remained onboard doing an obviously half-assed job seemingly to spite his employers only underscores an immature act, and this is why the same management that agreed with his grievance got rid of him. Even the audio

I never thought of “Mary Sue” as a gendered term. In fact the way the term was first explained to me was “Like, you know all of Tom Clancy or John Grisham’s main characters”?

I know - choosing not to tip on "principle" is basically the same as me feeling like I'm making a difference by not donating money to anything. I mean, at least I'm not donating to the bad organizations right?! I'm so principled.

Maybe she has wondered that because she loves him and doesn't want to hurt him or take advantage of him?

This. Not to mention the fact that anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists aren't necessarily all in sync with the "we evolved to be polyamorous" theory. There are a few different schools of thought that say a few different things.

It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy

"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

"I am experienced and this is stupid."

I think you're confusing "normal people" with "easily impressionable maniacs that lack moral compasses."

I watched the left side. Nobody tells me what to do.

I just really like pretty cakes.

I played for roughly three years.

Wait a second... does this mean that I'll never be able to use the Turing-Lovecraft conjecture to derive a Dho-Na geometry curve containing Nyarlathotep's second-cousin once-removed?