
The big question is where do you find skilled workers for 134 million dollars worth of tanks. Presumably they all would have to be moved to Fukushima. Of course, you need a hiring process to determine who is skilled and who isn't. And all of this takes time, which you don't have.

If her partner is in pain over an issue as large as this and NOT communicating this to his wife, the marriage has larger issues than riceberry's relationship.

Something inside is definitely trying to get out.

I have reached the sad conclusion that almost every show that relies on a fundamental mystery gradually exposed (Lost, BSG, etc.) is doomed to failure.

My lust for vengeance is tempered with the knowledge that the majority, if not the vast majority, of these 14-year-olds will one day become human beings. Imprisoning children for long periods of time is not usually the right choice.

Yeah, it's a bit depressing to realize that you pretty much have to be in the 1% of successful authors to be able to make a middle-class living off your writing.

Sigh. No escaping "The Flying Brick" aka the OCAD building even on IO9...

Indeed these practices were evil, but I'm curious just what practices could have saved children's lives at a time when there were few resources to feed non-productive mouths unless you had a strong familial reason to do so?

We'll see if a compelling premise makes a compelling film. I'm not certain that the sort of thought provoking SF I like to read (and the premise of this movie could easily make for a great book) will make for a good movie, which needs to succeed on an emotional level as well as an intellectual level.

Of course. But a ranged lightsaber fires light, which is too fast to deflect, as opposed to blasters, which obviously fire blasts, which are slow and thus deflectable.

As Crockett says, the experiment doesn't really distinguish between genuine altruism and "the desire to boost one's reputation or even the pleasant feeling that results from being kind."

I have to say, these articles seem to be less about how to tell your story better, and more about which stories you shouldn't tell.

The trouble is that because her name is now heavily associated with a particular genre, when readers pick up a Carrie Vaughn novel, they're almost certainly going to expect something that's somewhat like her previous novels, and will be disappointed (and often feel somewhat ripped off for false advertising) when it's

BUT, historical forces are far more similar to weather systems than gas in a bottle. They are chaotic systems, and the "Butterfly Effect" is in full force here.

Interesting discussion and well thought out answers from Cory. However, is anyone else concerned that very short or non-existent copyright terms are essentially transfers of valuable property from creators to large corporations who are in the best position to take public domain property and add chargeable value to it.

One of Mika Hakkinen's clones in training, I presume?

Less than that! To my mind, that salary would not be out of line for senior nursing staff members with commensurate responsibilities (i.e. jobs where making mistakes can have lethal consequences, require high level skills and training, etc.)

Glad to hear not all nurses are underpaid. However, it may also have helped that they might have been near the peak of their earnings careers about the time that you and your were at the bottom of yours.

You make a good point, *but* it should be noted that areas of work that are male dominated, both the men and the women make rather more than areas of work that require similar credentials that are female dominated.

the biggest lie all economics students / professors / economists are convinced of is that human beings act rationally.