
Indeed, when he was singing it, I realized, as he must have, that he was never ever going to go to space again.

Actually, thank God they were that innovative. If they'd just sat down and mass produced the excellent equipment they did have instead of continually switching to something even better (but outnumbered 1-200), life would have been much tougher for the allies.

Heresy! The first two seasons of Buffy *were* the show! The rest was just entertaining.

Actually, the taxes, while substantial, aren't *huge*. Because of state control of the medical apparatus, the state engages in rationing, which, realistically speaking, has only a small effect on health outcomes.

Well given that we've seen (without exception) that in any society where women can control their own fertility and have decent non-parent life prospects, the fertility rate drops below replacement, I don't think the answer is even in doubt.In any advanced decent, moral society, the opportunity costs for having

Indeed, the production values are much higher than most student produced work, I only meant that it felt like they spent more effort on the production than on producing a meaningful story, a flaw I've seen in many student films.

This reminds me of a student film festival. Some real gems in production values, but they all really, really needed a writer!

I am still using that quote these many years later.

I don't know - launch their six nukes at China and there's a decent chance that in the aftermath of Bejing, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, etc. vaporizing along with much the leadership, China launches several hundred missiles and we have good, old-fashioned armageddon.

I'll bare that in mind!

Sadly, there's a tendency in modern editors and agents to assume that readers have almost no attention span. It has to grab the reader in the first few pages or it will be tossed.

These are all really negative mutations. How about giving us some positive ones.

Perhaps at older ages. But at ages 6-8, where I saw this occur, I doubt most children with ASD are particularly aware of it.

To be honest, it doesn't even require bullying. I remember my son (who has ASD), being quite lonely at a birthday party with other children. However, the sad fact was the the other children had constantly said "Hi", invited him into games, etc.

Bingo. We don't need food - we need dirt cheap food (pun intended). Price increases of a factor of two caused riots and could bring down (nuclear armed!) governments.

I hadn't heard this. Can you elaborate?

Odd, I simply find it funny that there are so many desperate to publicly display their ignorance in order to prove that they're "too cool to be taken advantage of".

Who let the 13 year-olds playing at sociopathy out? I mean I understand thinking "Boy I wouldn't put that much work to save my pet", but disapproving of and denigrating someone who actually cares and is skillful enough to do so?

Well, if you're even mildly religious, then the people propounding Young Earth creation are essentially saying that God's word can only reach people through lies and deception. That the beauty of God's creations must be hidden, twisted and distorted because His followers are too weak and foolish to be able to

I'll admit, I'd love to see an absolutely serious treatment of the Rapture. i.e. God is real and pretty much the standard conception of him, circa when Revelations was written (pre-Nicaean council, etc.)