
I think the growing prevalence of somewhat explicit sex in fantasy is one of the reasons for the growing popularity of YA fantasy novels - you can at least be certain you aren't going to be bombarded by explicit scenes that, to my mind, take one right out of the fantasy universe. (I find sex scenes make me feel like

as close as you can get to getting published in a peer reviewed journal and winning a nebula with the same story.

I think what set Jobs apart (for better *and* for worse), was that for him, business *wasn't* just business.

The same group who would scream blue-bloody-sexism if you made a comment about their period and emotional/irrational behavior.

Yes, yes, yes - *massive* creepy uncle territory.

Wow, is this comment and the replies ever telling.

With the Paleo diet, we can be as healthy as our ancestors!

You fiend! I just spent 5 minutes trying to squish the bug on your icon.

Thank you spectre-7 for taking the time for an informative comment. I think your experience is typical for one of the successful self-published authors. In order to have any chance of success, you have to be willing to keep plugging away, publishing novel after novel even while making two digit monthly amounts. If

Given that based on arable land, Japan has 18 times the population density of the USA, I don't think that they're going to disappear shortly. If the USA had over 5 *billion* inhabitants, would anyone be dismayed by the prospect of a population drop?

I don't know about *maximum* comedic surliness: the paper examining a dead salmon using fMRI ([]) was a pretty well-placed attack on the fMRI craze.

Well, it was sometime later, but North Africa was the breadbasket of Rome...