Grossi: [accuses Browns of conspiring with Barnwell]
Grossi: [accuses Browns of conspiring with Barnwell]
You are overlooking the genius of this plan.
What a strange and wholly unconnected set of events!
Moyes LOVED strikers with high work rate; It didn’t matter if they scored fuck all goals, but that they ran hard. For my money, the best striker from the Moyes era was pre-injury Yakubu and he was lazy as fuck. You know it killed Moyes that Yakubu hit for 20 that one season.
Arsenal fans say many things that are far more stupid, but that one is a doozy.
You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Then you looked at today’s calendar and said, “ah, phuket!”
But what about Pinchot? GET OUT OF THE CITY!
You are correct, that is a really stupid theory.
Well religious entities are tax exempt.
Here is a required disclaimer to ensure my point is taken seriously and not dismissed as the ravings of some misguided Trump supporter: I voted for Hillary. I was not and am not terribly fond of her, but she was the objectively more qualified candidate and a demonstrably better human being. I don’t vote for…
So, THAT’S what he won’t do.
Talk to your meteorologist if your storm lasts longer than 4 hours.
They were going to suggest a fire sale to help come up with funds, but found out that you can’t actually sell a river.
He said ‘Castro is OUR Hitler’. OUR as in Cuba’s, a small island nation. There was no claim of ‘equivalent to scale.’
I believe they mask the boats magnetic signature while staying in port for an extended period of time.