
That story still doesn’t make any sense. Also, randomly shooting into dark rooms is still murder.

She’s one of the most unfairly criticized, and mistreated athletes in her profession. What you call “worship” others call balancing the scale to the poor treatment she often receives

If you think you’re a good negotiator, you probably aren’t. Even if you are you probably don’t know much about negotiating or dealing with dealerships. If you have the resources, ask a friend who works with or in a dealership to come with you and help you out.

I’m a bad negotiator and always gets screwed in every deal, because of the dual character flaws that I am a pushover and like flaunting that I can afford things - so I jump to the latter part of your post:

If there was even a couple at all. I’m leaning toward the idea that the way it transpired was this:

There are a lot of you in the Grey’s like, NAZIS ARE PEOPLE TOO!??! But here is the thing, bitch we know. It's y'all that can't come to grips with your shit. And to keep it all the way 100 these narratives Never help you reflect, they give you warm fuzzy feelings where you pretend you would have helped the Jews. You

I’m not black (I’m Jewish), but I’ve seen enough Nazi-Jew “love stories”* in my time that I could not be less interested in seeing yet another iteration of it. It disgusts me. How could anyone want to watch a Nazi or someone aligned with them fall in love with a person from a group oppressed by that regime? Wasn’t the

I will take the heat for this observation but Amma Asante has some very deep issues in terms of black self-love. I don’t know of any other artist who obsessively promotes interracial (white/black) relationships projects as some sort of cure or balm for racism/white supremacy. And in her work, in my observation, white

Yes, ALL of Amma Assante’s movies are about black women falling in love with their captors. She’s sick.

“Usually, I run around threatening and screaming at everyone, because I have a gun in my pocket and it gives me the courage I don’t naturally possess. But this day, this man stood up to me. Well, that really scared me, so instead of backing away from his family that I was just threatening, I whipped out my courage and

pretty sure racists do actually hate black people.

i think you’re trying to make a round about, they’re really sad and lonely inside type observation. and while racists are pathetic, it’s not really wise to think this way. Virulent racism is all about hate, learned hate, hate taught at home, love...being tied to

Eulogy attacking black women and how problematic it is could be a thesis. Williams’ wouldn’t be half the pastor he is without the women in his congregation. Starting from the first lady, to the church mothers, to the church secretary and office workers in a mega church, to the ushers, to the choir, praise dancers, the

Ugh! This type of shit is why I stopped going to church. Too many damn pimps in the pulpit.

To expound on points 5, 8 and 9 (optics of black church strong on lecherous, decrepit male leadership and short on male soldiers in the Lord’s army in the pews; professionalism and punctiliousness of gospel artist performers; Chernobyl toxic eulogy by Rev. Jasper Williams)....

Thanks for posting such an interesting article, though I couldn’t help but keep thinking how much of that antiquated mindset still exists today. It also reminds me of how stunned I am with knowing some ppl seem to think, or gloss over the fact that ppl of color didn’t instantly gain fair and equal opportunity when


Like the story about the adult white woman he lied about being raped in the very next post? You are an idiot even compared to the other racists in the grays.

Hi! Lived in tulsa for the past four years. I can confirm that Oklahoma is a steaming pile of dog shit.

Not exactly a CP time story, but still my favorite “how the fuck did I make this flight” story: several years ago I was flying from NYC to San Francisco to meet my fiancée’s family, departing out of JFK. I used to only fly Delta, so I usually flew in and out of LaGuardia and I definitely made a mental note that I was

LMAO. Y’all are cracking me up. I know not all black people are on CP time. My black ass is though. I cut it close too. I will straight up get to LAX 30 minutes before my flight departs.