Alaska should be number one. Consistently the best service I’ve experienced in the airline industry. American Airlines can go to Hell and then die and then go to Hell’s hell.
Alaska should be number one. Consistently the best service I’ve experienced in the airline industry. American Airlines can go to Hell and then die and then go to Hell’s hell.
Nobody was mad about dead riding because it was on xbox first. Tomb Raider however was a playstation classic character. Having Laura Craft who had been on every playstation console have an exclusivity window keeping her off the console she was associated was the problem.
Oh, so kind of like how I can only get certain brands of chips or foods or drinks at Whole Foods that Walmart doesn’t sell?
so like...normal every day real life? Wow, such a shocking and brand new concept.
The issue isn’t that Epic has done anything particularly convincing. They haven’t.
As a lifelong SJW with the tattoos and scars to prove the sincerity of my convictions, I understand the review bombing and rage as far as actions to intended results go. But as the OP stated, I don’t get the anger over *this*. I’m a man of color with a 1 year old son, I’ve had guns pulled on me by scared cops, I’ve…
A LOT of games are Steam only. Like an egregious number of them. People will try and dress that up by saying you can buy these games elsewhere like Amazon or other game stores but the thing is, all of those game stores give you Steam Keys meaning—whether you want it or not—you are *forced* into the Steam ecosystem and…
If you don’t get it, then post your name, zip code code, phone number and credit card info right here. So far no one who says they “don’t get it” has taken me up on my offer. Will you have the balls to be first?
You know Steam has leaked all that info as well but you’re defending them as though when they leak your info it’s fine but when Epic does, it isn’t?
I will never understand the childish anger of internet gamer bros. I get the social/cultural/political roots of it, I just can’t imagine being so angry over something so miniscule. I like to believe it’s just teenagers who don’t know any better, but it’s so often overemotional adult men. It blows my mind every time…
What are the tangible negatives? Other than having to install a second minor.
Obama did a lot of good; much of it unsung and done without fanfare. I am quite proud of his presidency though he made some mistakes and the greatest was thinking the Republicans would EVER reach across the aisle. He believed they believed in the good of the American people and THEY DO NOT. Their craven thirst for…
My favorite part of Little Marco’s statement is, “The regime will impose a new income tax on the players earnings, even though the income is being earned by playing in the U.S.”
Kind of a weird argument given that Americans abroad still have to file income taxes in the US despite not living or earning money there.
And that doesn’t matter if those same poor people are paying more in taxes for the care than they are getting in benefits for said care, which is something that has been said to you by like five different people now and you just keep ignoring it for some reason. I wonder why!
This is a lot of words to try and claim that you’re not saying exactly what we all see you’re saying, which is that poor people are more likely to be sick and a drain on resources. And yet somehow you think that because you’re not actually using the words “poor people are dirty and live in filth because they can’t…
Things Are Getting Really Bad And Bitter on The View Is Bad.
No, they don’t have to be sicker, just poorer.
That’s also not how healthcare—or rather, healthcare insurance—works.
And on cue, one of his most zealous supporters is here in the comments basically touting a wink wink version of America First.
The open borders thing is a right wing talking point, and I can’t think of any candidate that actually wants it. The Republicans want people to think that it’s a binary choice between their insane/evil policy and some nightmarish caricature, much like they equate any sort of regulation or social programs as aspects of…