
I assumed that the crazy kid who wants to have sex with a walker was feeding him. Someone suggested the governor but I think the former would be funnier.

From the Newbie's review:

Will exes Dobrev and Somerhalder making out as Elena and Damon be as awkward as exes Bush and Murray making out as Brooke and Lucas?  Time will tell

seriously, it's not like the idea of them living happily ever after made me momentarily gleeful or anything.  We stand strong as adults above all that.

I never cared at all about Nick and Jess getting together but that end scene was perfection.  Now, as the kids say, I ship them.

I love this show, I really do.  But the last couple of episodes have been definitely off.  This review sucked but I kind of agree with the grade.  Here's hoping there's a whole lot of redemption in the fall premiere.

I love this show but don't rip off Fresh Prince's lottery gag and not give it props. Nothing will beat the Alfred/Will prank off.

I think everyone who waited should be allowed to operate under the "ignorance is bliss" mantra — it'll be all too soon when they learn this season sucks.  (my angst is mingled with frustration)

Also what's up with Penny's boyfriend?   He's adorable but they have to break up right?  Down with the interlopers but how do they do that without sucking.

Also what's up with Penny's boyfriend?   He's adorable but they have to break up right?  Down with the interlopers but how do they do that without sucking.

When they do stuff in unison I know it should be annoying but I find it hysterical

When they do stuff in unison I know it should be annoying but I find it hysterical

This show is outrageously amazing.  Is it weird that I'm disappointed my boyfriend and I aren't more like Jane and Brad? 

This show is outrageously amazing.  Is it weird that I'm disappointed my boyfriend and I aren't more like Jane and Brad?