Heh. Out of all the hard candies in the Christmas candy dish at my old auntie’s house, these were the only good ones. The fruit-goop filling saves them.
Heh. Out of all the hard candies in the Christmas candy dish at my old auntie’s house, these were the only good ones. The fruit-goop filling saves them.
It wasn’t in the article but was in the header image, but Lifesavers are still just as tasty today, though they’re really, really easy to just immediately break apart on your teeth.
People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.
Fuck that guy, fuck Walgreens, and fuck the law making it ok.
Bud, I’m from the South. I’ve been to the North. I’ve been East and West. Racism knows no accent.
“Dicks are funny.”
Always roll something. If people could take that 15-30 mins and light one up, relax, and realize we should be helping each other and caring for one another, this world would be a better place.
The promise of America has always been better than it’s past. True patriots strive to improve our nation for all of its people and to hopefully show as an example to the world. We are falling way short of that now. The Constitution and our laws are not inviolate sacred texts to be fetishized and chanted by rote like…
your delicate sensitive foreskin sensibilities & go read a Highlights magazine.
Awww..poor wittle babies offended by the words “bitch” & “die”.... Fuck I care about a damn Nazi and whether he lives or dies? The world is better w/o them. Take your delicate sensitive foreskin sensibilities & go read a Highlights magazine.
“There is no redeeming value in whiteness”
The Dark Tower really should be a HBO series, not a watered down 90 minute summer flick
Don’t worry. As an old man who has given up on life I can confidently say - CBS sucks.
Yes, understood. But that’s not the only place marijuana occurs in the post.
On that topic, I find it a little curious that The Root uses the word “marijuana,” which to me has racialized connotations that “cannabis” doesn’t.
Fuck, am I a White Ally? Serious question.
Also, if today’s kids are taught not only how to interact with police officers, but also how police officers should be expected to treat civilians, then perhaps some of them could grow up to become a better generation of police? Just looking for the possible bright side. We’re not going to change the minds and…