
I think in recent years there has been a very clear power
shift (at leas in America). Mainstream cinema is becoming something of a carbon
copy of itself: reboots, sequels, adaptations.

That last shot is echoed occasionally throughout the season,
which makes it doubly interesting - there aren't a lot of Buffy POV shots in
the series. I like the way you mention the "fragility" of this shot
because this is also one of the last times this season when the Scooby gang is
"together." During the "enjoining"

Anyone else catch the Arrested Development reference?

Why do people love throwing things so much when Junior is singing?

Why do people love throwing things so much when Junior is singing?

Hannah: "I'm just getting some tea."
*Pours water*

I agree with this one:

I wonder if Gray Matter Technologies will have anything to do with the show's ending.

Is this really where we're at? Applauding things as silly as this?