
Why hasn’t Jezebel edited their own article on Wi Spa or at least provided a correction given that the person involved is a sex offender? The details of what happened have now been known for several days. You chose to not believe the woman and instead created a bad faith narrative around the whole thing. Its very easy

Yeah, the consensus here is pretty spot-on. I can’t make heads or tails out of the writer’s angle. It’s some sort of take down on Macdonald’s take down but it’s buried in so much noise that it’s impossible to parse. I don’t care if Norm’s politics seem like they skew vaguely conservative. He’s still funny. Dennis

Btw, this whole article is kind of a mess and difficult to read/understand. You really ran with that whole “they’re playing characters!” thing to the point of incoherence.

Uh, that wasn’t Seth Simons that Che went after. That was another guy with a similar sounding first name. Close, though.