
Gahhh, TRY IT first.

How high are you right now?

I do love meat, but I have to say, with everyone complaining without even being curious to try something new, it really makes me want to try this out as well.

It is literally an alternative to eating meat.

Hope you enjoy eating poop. Those cows you’re eating spend their entire lives standing, sitting, eating, and sleeping in their own excrement. Unless you’ve personally seen or helped raise the cow yourself, it’s pretty much a given that you’re eating a weak, diseased animal grown on a factory farm swimming in poop.

They are very different. I’ve had the Impossible twice at Red Robin, and it’s like, 99.5% textured and tastes like real meat.

Beyond Burgers, to me, don’t taste or feel like meat at all, however, they’re far closer than say, a black bean burger or, of course, a flat out mushroom patty. I like them, but if you’re

You seem to be taking this very personally.

The pope has been known to troll Trump:

Muslims for sure, and probably Jews if things keep going the way they are.

So, human nature.

I think you need to read up on religion a bit more, because we have lots of major important changes and innovation, even science, because of religion. Religious institutions were one of the first driving forces behind scientific research in biology and genetics. Islam is a major reason why we have a collected archive

I don’t believe there has never been documented a group of humans in history that lacked supernatural, spiritual beliefs. There is a reason why every human culture ever has had Gods or approximations thereof. It is a part of human nature.  

As much as I dislike organized religion, if it brings meaning to someone’s life, I’m not going to judge, as long as they respect other’s beliefs or lack thereof and don’t harm others in the name of their religion.

If the people practicing this spirituality don’t hurt themselves or others, who gives a fuck about stats? Let people have their things. Let them find their joy and peace where they can. If someone still believes that a fairy can inhabit a toadstool mushroom, what is that to you?

As an agnostic, I must say atheists are easily as obnoxious as religionists, if fewer in number.

As much as I dislike organized religion, if it brings meaning to someone’s life, I’m not going to judge, as long as they respect other’s beliefs or lack thereof and don’t harm others in the name of their religion.

Faith means a lot of different things to different people. Some people value methods of mindfulness or meditation that spirituality provides. Or, hell, what’s wrong with pure hope? I understand there can be logical ways of deriving optimism in the world, but if they aren’t trying to slap you in the face with it, why

This is heartbreaking. There’s a special place in hell for governors who rejected Medicaid expansion and essentially handed out death sentences to the poor and not quite poor enough

I work(ed) in the mental health field with 8 years in community mental health. It was hard for me not to want to just take these kids, scoop em in my arms, take them to Disneyland and tell them you don’t have to go back. I’ve seen DCFS fail kids, I even had one worker tell the parent that I shouldn’t have believed

Thanks for this super useful information, Hachi. Hopefully it can help save lives.