I used to be Snow White...but I drifted.

Shouldn’t it be “Russian” Ivanka lookalike hooker?!

More likely a roofie.

As a parent, I can find NO redeeming quality about this either. My first response to the picture was: why would any parent let ANY of their family NEAR this piece of shit?! Let alone want/allow them to get his autograph!!

Thank you for this!

and in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant


My 13 year old child came home and said they did a drill at school today. They were told the correct response to a shooter situation was to Run, Hide, Fight.

Must. Have. One. Now.

True, most POS can handle splits. However, ALWAYS LET THE SERVER KNOW RIGHT AWAY if you want seperate checks.


Believe it-people actually want it mixed with water as a drink. Picture clumps of green goo stuck to the sides of a cup filled with swamp water. Nasty shit.

Matcha is devil’s breath disguised as green powder. Even if you just go NEAR the container, that nasty powder of death will somehow find its way into every orifice. You will smell, taste, FEEL matcha powder for hours.

Since condolences has more than one syllable, I figure he was just copying a Hallmark card.

In my home, the general consensus to the possibility of this asshole visiting was: no thanks, one disaster at a time.

Exactly. This is just sitting over us. We are expected to get 7 inches more rain tonight, then a few more over the next 3 days. Between the Hurricane warnings, Tornado warnings, Flash Flood warnings etc., these last few days sucked, but the worst is yet to come.

Exactly. This is just sitting over us. We are expected to get 7 inches more rain tonight, then a few more over the next 3 days. Between the Hurricane warnings, Tornado warnings, Flash Flood warnings etc., these last few days sucked, but the worst is yet to come.

I’m sorry you have to go through this. Where is he located?

Thanks for the kindness. But for the love of god, DO NOT COME HERE FOR THE COAST/BEACHES. You live where there are real beaches. Trust me on this.

I know this was not asked of me, but as a resident of 15 years....I HATE it. Whitest, most racist, elitist, bible-centric, misogynistic, xenophobic place I have ever lived in my 54 yrs. An absolute horror for anyone not in the 1%.

It IS exhausting.