The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

The ship in Prodigy is not a refit of Voyager, it’s the Voyager-A, a considerably larger Lamarr-class ship (named for Hedy Lamarr). Picard established, and the season 2 premiere mentioned, that the original Voyager is in the Fleet Museum now.

Seriously. Vote Dem all the way down the ticket. Look at Minnesota and Michigan for examples of what can happen when Dems control a state.

Thanks to all of the idiots on the right with aa huge assist from the Bernie Bros to get Trump over the line then.

Biden stumbled badly during the debate. Ok.

This may be a gift in disguise. This is essentially THE honest to goodness wedge issue the Dems needed.  And not ONLY that, it’s not based on false premises or made up panic to move the masses reasoning.  This is your honest to goodness clear and present danger.  Now the only way to put the presidency back under the

It was always a terrible medium for rentals. People treated the disks like garbage. So many times we’d get a disk that had been scratched to the point of being unplayable. Or smudged by someone who was probably eating pizza and hot wings when they were handling the disk.

If they can get away with that then SAG did a crap job negotiating their new agreements to keep streamers from taking advantage like that.

That sucks, because streaming is garbage.

so the problem is not that some movies can and do perform well it’s that on a whole the industry is not. take a look at 2019. NINE $1 BILLION FILMS. last year we had only two $1 billion dollar films. if youncombine inflation (including on ticket prices) we should have already had multiple billion dollar films this

Counterpoint: she’s just not a good actress and is uncharismatic, monotone, and dead-eyed in pretty much all of her roles. She’s at her best in talk show appearances when she’s just being a version of herself.

I’m talking about the sequel, not the first movie.

Technology is advancing more slowly. You don’t need a new device every year or two, especially if you mostly just use it for email/internet/text/phone/camera which is what the huge majority of people do. Having 50% more megapixels in the camera means less than nothing when you are always looking at your pics on a 5"

That means, unfortunately, we don’t see how or who figured this out. It just happens and a golden opportunity to advance the mythology is glossed over

Except that the CW’s 58-year-old audience was watching the CW!  Clearly they (we) liked that programming, even if it was ostensibly targeted at a younger audience.  Rather than stick with what drew us to the network, they’re going to give us the same crap we could have watched elsewhere if we had wanted to.

Yeah, he ain’t wrong. Like, most everything CW put out was schlock, but it was fun schlock, and sometimes they had a genuine gem (well, at least until they inevitably ran it way too long and things got weird and/or bad... and sometimes even that was fun to see how wild things could get). And as cable dies its slow

Exploding Kittens never live long enough to become Exploding Cats.

I would sooo rather see Paul Dini’s name there rather than JJ Abrams who never met an existing franchise he wouldn’t shit the bed with.

Because it wasn’t filmed for less than 50k for the entirety of it.

“We didn’t have the same kind of limitations that we had back in the ‘90s where it was made specifically for a children’s audience and we had to worry about making sure that would sell a certain number of toys,” Timm told IGN in a recent cover story. “Getting a chance to do the show without the same kind of

Moving it to London was actually the easy part. The hard part was clearing all the Hulk poo out of the basement