The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Hah, ok I was like “when did NYC get attacked again?” I thought maybe I missed a movie. 

Yes, it was great. Ignore the haters.

I am so glad they didn’t draw out this reveal until the end of the series. It was becoming pretty clear and the show didn’t insult our intelligence by dragging it out artificially. It was effective and satisfying, and Manny Jacinto was awesome.

This is probably a lukewarm take by now, but Finn Jones’ Iron Fist was way more tolerable outside his own show.

Ripped JK Simmons is redundant. That guy's been ripped for forever.

It’s giving me big “Is this a real movie, or was that a fake movie trailer from SNL?” vibes.

Evans wanting to move on from Cap was understandable. But to follow that role with Ghosted, The Gray Man, and this? Less understandable.

Dwayne’s Candyass Status: CONFIRMED

Aries - 1993 Subaru SVX

Astrology can help us understand a lot about someone

As he should. It's a good movie

Rey being “nobody” was a really good beat in TLJ, and it was really dumb when Rise of Skywalker undid it. Ruby being “nobody” was a really dumb beat that made absolutely no sense in context and should have been something else.

The problem is not that they´re using AI but that they´re using AI and claiming it as their own work and not mentioning it is AI.

Makes sense. This is just silly fan casting on my part, but he does look perfect for an older Justice Society member from Earth-2 or an aging hero a la Kingdom Come. I can see him in retro fabric costume instead of the overly designed armor that the movie characters have now.

None of them are Iron Man level, by his own admission

If they force the AI enhancement or remove the free tier I will not only trash all my Alexa devices, I will extracate myself from Amazon’s ecosystem entirely. I’d consider it a breech of trust.

Maybe they can host a telethon with a talent show to raise funds and keep the property

It’s funny how Joss Whedon hated Sutherland because Sutherland had the gall to not read Whedon’s lines as written and improved on them as he saw fit. I guess Sutherland got the last laugh on that - he died a hero, while Whedon lived long enough to become a villain. 

Doctor Who is almost always uneven, but the best episodes this season have been somewhat revelatory IMO