The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Is there a market for xbox hand held? wouldn’t making an app that can be used on steam deck solve the market demand problem?

Well, technically everything from your Cell Phone and tablet to any Windows Laptop or Surface is a portable X-Box.

I don’t understand why the games have had such better stories than the movies. I mean, they could have literally just turned Fate of Atlantis into a movie and call it done.

To each their own. However, I am more on a case by case basis. I mean you can say the same argument for movies based off video games. It can make for an interesting debate, but in the end I think it’s just a matter of one’s personal tastes.

My rule for all movie adaptions of books: if it’s not exactly like the book, it’s garbage.

You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.

Dismiss your idiot troll please.

Good for him and hell of a run in entertainment. Living in Hawaii will challenge that climate denialism.

that includes the ability to separate his personal views from his television persona. (YMMV whether that’s a good or bad quality to have.)

Good for Pat Sajak, but Vanna White is my hero.

My reading of Yord is that he is the walking definition of impostor syndrome. It doesn’t take much for him to draw his lightsaber compared to a lot of the other Jedi we’ve seen who seem to save it as a last resort. Deep down he’s obviously scared and it will be interesting to see how the series progresses if he can

You can dismiss responses to your comment by trolls, remember, unless they’ve taken that option away.

They can bring him back as a hologram or pull him out of the Mirror Universe

Not to mention, the San Francisco Bay Area has been battered by homelessness and drug issues.”
Which is more than proven to be exacerbated by right wing policies and can be solved by simply giving them housing.

Mae is a strong force user herself and can presumably counter such attempts, otherwise every force user versus force user battle in the entire franchise should’ve been a force hold face-off.

I’m pretty sure Juan is just the new profile for the reocgnition(I believe that is how they mispelled it).  Below they are bragging about having over a dozen accounts here which tracks because I think they keep getting banned for being hate filled tools.   

Well that’s a major morning spoiler :(

Gizmodo has been sold off.

felt like they were true at the time.