The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Godspeed on your righteous quest

Trying to hold this up as “camp” always seemed like try hard. It’s lazy, uninspired, and just outright poorly made in a lot of spots. Camp requires intentionality. It’s okay to enjoy shitty things without needing to justify it, that’s why McDonald’s is still in business.


Did barsani het banned???

The problem with jailhouse snitching is that there is often a lack of other evidence to support the testimony and the snitcher is often being bribed in order to get them to lie, as in, “We’ll reduce the charges against you if you help us convict someone who is possibly innocent.”

I know Zaslav is a complete fucking idiot. But when I watched The Flash recently, half of it, I just could not believe even he could have looked at that and thought it was anything but another brick in the wall of the terrible Snyderverse...the fact that he really thought it would be successful or the narrative around

Tim Allen is a coke snitch, always worth remembering, really sad the reaper took John Ritter instead of him

I think with them in particular, it wasn’t just that S8 flopped. It was that S8 flopped and they were reportedly given the option to have more episodes and time to improve it and they didn’t take it. I think the talk around that time was that they were supposedly focused on pitching something to Netflix that I think

So we’re just forgetting “Confederate” happened? Because that was their first big thing after leaving GoT, and if not for a certain “very stable genius” somehow blundering his way into 1600, may have gotten filmed.

No mention that the “date” Lewis picked up was played by his real wife. Probably didn’t leave his side the entire shoot.

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

Prestige television > shoe commercial, I guess.

We might not want to admit it but Radiohead is “classic rock” now. OK Computer is older now than Dark Side of the Moon was when OK Computer came out. 

This is “tons”?

Not only am I on a subpar cell phone network, you’re actively paying me to go see bad movies in theaters that you are somehow spending advertising dollars on?”

He’s the master of magentism! As in, he can make things magenta.

You know why though right?

They did the impossible, and actually made Cyclops and his power look cool.  Made it very clear that they’re not laser beams, they’re concussive blasts.  That first fight where he was using the blasts to dodge FOH, and immediately move himself into a new position in the room was inspired.

I hope he pitched it like the Key and Peele ‘Gremlins 2' sketch.

Agree, it’s good and bad, and none of the 1990s Marvel cartoons holds up as well as Batman and Superman animated series (and even Batman has some shakey early episodes). I believe the animation studio (AKOM) Bruce Timm fired for turning in some janky Batman animation was the same studio that animated most of X-Men. To