The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

please please please let Factor 5 and NOT Aspyr work on Rogue Squadron when it gets re-released. Also release the wii game you cowards! 

more like the original Bob Kane run directed by Timm. 

That and having a group of talented writers/artists to push back and tell him no. To be fair in interviews BT has acknowledged when those others did so for the better and how their ideas/contributions helped make the final product better. 

how and why did Zazloff take this off CN?! 

lol that a shot from Doctor Who not a marvel show/movie. 

Disney and Warner need to Barbieheimer this and make it another double feature. “Super 4 2025" 

that rare feeling in a SW show where you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Bring on next week!

probably one of the best act 2s in a season. 


sooo how about last night’s Acolyte? 

Wait is he going up against himself with Moana 2?

With the exception of that collar that Superman suit really top tier. Glad it didn’t have the extra muscle suit underneath like the Martha v Martha and JL versions. 

Yes. Yes and yes. Glad he stuck to his guns unlike Disney.

That frankly was the only time in the Nolan series that had a good Bat scare. Then we had this which really didn’t feel scary

One thing that stands out the most about this Batman, and wouldn't be until 2022, is how well they made his scary. The way he's lit, his framing and lack of corny one liners really sold that this is a creature of the night.

Yes, yes we all know what JJ’s phone background is.

I mean a Earth 2 Superman or Batman would be ideal but I think he’s an actor who can show off the greatness of a C or D level hero in either Marvel or DC. (the former is running out of them)

Also just thought of a crazy idea, shaved head Hamm as Prof X and Daniel Craig as magneto

If he could pull off an accent, would love Doctor Doom.

buried the lede, I think they let slip in there that he’s filming an Avengers movie next year...