The Left Hand of the Son of Coul
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I know it’s not your choice but screw your bosses for making this a slideshow. But obligatory.

kinda contradicts this point doesn’t it?

clap clap clap clap

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Not sci fi but an underrated Sutherland role (the syndication cut to the punch line is soooo dumb)

was about to warn about Jack anti vax Dorsey being a key player on it but it appears that’s not the case.

X has turned to smaller businesses as it struggles to recoup ad dollars from bigger brands such as Apple and Disney.”

so the KKK and Proud Boys?

Also intrigued about the lesbian Harley who, it appears, has no connection to the Joker at this point.

Also the fact that Harvey is the unhinged one and he becomes more empathetic after the scaring is intriguing.

Same also Christina Ricci as golden age Catwoman has sold me.

REALLY hope they keep filming in NYC for the next movies. Gotham really popped in that trailer. 

in all fairness one of those characters had some good beats in a handful episodes here and there. The other is Kes (who in all fairness was and reportedly still is suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues)

Bringing in Seven really helped the ensemble. 

This show killed off one of their headline characters, the wookie Jedi, after 2 episodes of hype, everything is off the table.

apparently that was by design, next week will be longer for “reasons” per the writer:

That was Jordan Peele level of horror filmmaking in the last 5 minutes. Really felt spooked and really hoping next week isn’t another flashback. 

same this is a fresh breath of air so far and i hope, and think, it will stick the landing. 

Can't wait for him to take down the red saber guy with his bare hands! 

couple of things

1) We’re assuming the next Nintendo console is coming out next year. (though I do agree it’s VERY likely and MP 4 will be a starter game)


Does anyone get the second half of Vin’s post?